Jul 27, 2012 21:10

wolfpacking (verb): hanging out with your wolf pack, being awesome, and watching episodes of Teen Wolf while having really awesome wolf piles and trying to win contests by participating in fun activities and challenges!

What exactly do you DO here?
*Wolf Piles!
*Rewatches - livestream and otherwise.
*Contests - with actual prizes (let me never be accused of not spoiling my OUR pack)
*Squee threads
*Rec Posts
*Bad emo poetry about man!wolf!pain

General RULES:

01. NO WANK! No character or 'ship bashing! While your opinions and thoughts are welcome, HATE is not. This com is for our enjoyment, we are trying to create a PACK, a close-knit community of friends who squee, flail, and play together. Please don't bring any negativity or drama to the group, as that is against what we are trying to do here.

02. Participation is key and your Alpha and Pack Mom reserve the right to remove anyone who doesn't support the Pack (aka is inactive for extended periods of time). Your alpha and your pack mom recognize that sometimes life gets CRAZY (we know all too well), moves, finals, work craziness, vacation, illness, basically - shit happens... so if you need a hiatus, plese let us know at the Page-A-Mod post, we have no problem with that! However, if you're not online that frequently, please don't apply.

03. Do not spam the community. Yes, you are able to post. No, we don't want unnecessary posts. No icon posts or community pimping here.

04. Your alpha can banish you from the pack for any of the following reasons: disorderly behavior, spamming, disregarding the rules, continuous off-topic posts or blatantly idiotic or frustrating behavior to team members. You ARE warned.

05. Read the rules for all challenges, activities, and contests. No points will be allocated to people that do not read and follow the fules in a challenge post. Please take the time to ask questions if instructions are unclear to you.

06. Spoilers: all spoilers must be under a lj cut! Season 2 is on now, so our current rule is anything regarding a main plotline or twist for the second season it is currently considered a spoiler. It must go under a cut and and have a "spoilers" tag. My personal rule for tumblr is that on tumblr you should have no expectation of freedom from spoilers, but this isn't tumblr, so please respect the rule.

07. The Magic Password is: "no freaking purple flowers!"

What are these WOLF PILES you keep going on about?
Wolf Piles are posts that are just for fun for the Pack. To start, the Alpha and Pack Mom will be starting all the Wolf Piles, this may change in the future. The goal fo the Wolf Pile posts are laughs and warm fuzzies. If I could give you all actual warm fuzzies I would be all over that.

Some Wolf Pile posts will have themes, some will just be free for all party posts. The idea is for everyone to comment, connect, and spread the love around.

How familiar with TEEN WOLF do I need to be to join?:
Seen an episode? No?!?! WHY NOT?! Don't worry, we shall soon fix that! Basically, the premise of this com revolves around Teen Wolf, but if you aren't into it now, you will be by the time we are done with you. Trust me, we've already got members who just came looking for fun antics with an awesome group of people while only knowing Teen Wolf from what they saw on their tumblr dashboard. They don't know what they've gotten into yet, but THEY WILL SOON, BECAUSE WE HAVE REALLY NICE BUTTS!

I joined, NOW WHAT?
After you've been accepted into the community, please go to the introduction post and introduce yourself! Say hi to the other people in the post, spread some love there! Also, be thorough in your post, I compile Roll Call data from the introductions post.
Then check out the Excuse me while I delegate post and see if there's anything you would like to sign up for!
You can also go to Scheduled Events post for a list of what's coming up!
Also, dont' forget to go to the side bar and check out the Current Contest link to see what the current contest is!

What are these CONTESTS I'm reading about?
Every month or so (timeline will vary per contest), your Alpha and Pack Mom will put up a new contest post. Check the sidebar for the link to the Current Contest post.

Contests works as follows:
*A prize is offered! Some of these will be Teen Wolf prizes and some will just be awesome things, maybe other fandom stuff as well, we will hold polls to see what kind of prizes you would be excited about.
*Challenges and Activities are posted to the com and they will be assigned point values. Not all activities earn points, but for those activities that do earn points, those points go towards your Contest Total! Details will be posted in the challenge or activity thread.
*Whoever has the most points at the end point of the contest wins the prize! If there is a tie and it's a major prize, a randomizer is used to pick the winner.

The Current Contest post will have all the details, as well as be updated with a list of links to all the activities and challenges that can earn you points for the prize. We know you might not be able to participate in every challenge and activity, that's totally fine! We will have a wide variety of kinds of challenges and activities, so there will be many different chances to earn points. It's okay if you aren't the best graphics maker or writer, participation is the key for these contests.

Note: If you have something to donate for a prize, like ART (we are not talented folk, but we love artists! Art would be an amazing prize!) we would really really appreciate this. These prizes are coming out of your Alpha's pocket and she's not loaded folks.

What is EXPECTED of me?
You are encouraged to enter any and all challenges and activities you can. At the bare minimum though, you should enter at least one challenge every two weeks. Should you be inactive for this period of time, we will ask if you are on hiatus or are no longer interested. You are more than welcome to re-apply however once you have more free time on your hands.

What if I have a QUESTION about a SPECIFIC challenge, activity, or contest?
The first comment in every activity and challenge ill be a "questions" thread. Ask any questions there and I will get back to you within a day. Make sure you ask under that thread, because it's highly likely I won't see it elsewhere in the comments. If your question is time sensitive, please see the next topic...

Please comment at the Page-A-Mod post and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Can I post to WOLFPACKING?
YES, however all posts are moderated. For those of you new to LJ, that means that the posts get put in a queue and your Alpha or Pack Mom have to approve them before they go to the community. This is because we don't want the com overrun with so many posts that you can't find the challenges and activities that earn points.

Guidelines for posting:
under construction.

What if I won't be around for a while or I want to leave?
Should you have to take a hiatus or leave the community for any reason please comment at the Page-A-Mod post.

Where'd you get the IDEA?
Inspired by Jen's Wolf Pack of Awesome and out of a sense of nostalgia for the landcoms. This isn't a landcom, it's not team competition based, but that idea of an interactive com with activities and such, creating a tight knit community of friends around a fandom.
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