Until yesterday when my Dad forced my to try some of his French Vanilla coffee, it was kind of like vanilla hot chocolate...not too bad, although I was probably better off not drinking it
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Last night, Shelley zoe and I drove to Grand Marais, which is a six hour drive we left at 11 pm and returned at 1pm the next day, we spent about five hours in Grand Marais with Kevin (who rocks) and three of those hours were spent sleeping...(plus we saw the ghosts that Kevin tells us about...an old man and an old woman, Shelley flipped
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So Shelley came over to my house at 2am yesterday and we have not been apart yet, she's watching Nip/Tuck.
We stayed up until 7 this morning and we made a cake for Joao that looked like an American flag because he's so American...and we went around and gave cards to Joao, Lara, Connor, Wallace, Tory, Barbara and a random kid. It was sweet I heart
I am naked in my basement right now...carmel and shadow are laying on the couch (the new one that they aren't supposed to be on, but mom is asleep
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Seeing Ex-boyfriends is never pleasant, and today was no exception. I kept wishing Amanda was there because I know she would have beaten the shit out of him so I didn't have to
I get to return to dancing almost everyday, painting, being naked, singing, sculpting, my doggies, SHELLEY!!!!, my jobs, and some other stuff too
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