Tomorrow I go to chicago. Shelley had surgery today, Lara and I visited her...hope to hear from her later tonight.
Said goodbye yesterday...well sort was an experience. I think I actually will miss him, but I don't want to stay. I guess in a way I'm testing him.
today I met Wallace's wife, Erin. She's cool, at least from the like hour we spent together. We talked about Belly dancing and she told me about being around drunken Tory.
All things considered it was a good day...I saw Erin (little Dani) yesterday salsa dancing at Famous Dave's...
if any of you guys will be around come see my show. Its at the Brave New Workshop Theater (Hennepin and 26th Ave) at 7:30 on friday and saturday night and if you come friday you get Davanni's or on saturday you get chipotle. Tickets are $5.
Its strange how you can never miss some people no matter how little time you spend with them and how you can constantly miss other people even when you spend everyday with them.
Shelley I know you won't read this but I really love you alot.
looks like the PCAE Board can't even follow through on its own promises. Stupid asses. I saw Joao, Nelson and Wallace yesterday when I went to the Board meeting. They had good summers, well for the most part anyways...
Sorry about Tuesday Gus I feel asleep and then I had no car...Do you still like me?
Saturday was amazing. I think I have a new friend, and he always makes it sound as though we will be together forever. I hope he is right because he is a person who I enjoy very much.
Sorry about the text Jenn...
Happy Belated Birthday Sarah! Hope it was brilliant!