[ - stats - ]
[ name? ] Kat.
[ age? ] 19.
[ male/female? ] Female.
[ astrological sign? ] Capricorn.
[ are your traits typical of those of your sign, totally different, or do you not care/pay attention? ]For the most part, I’m not like a typical Capricorn. :D! I’m not very ambitious. I’m pretty easy-going and I hate to be serious. Although, I am quiet and hard working (when I don’t think what I’m doing is boring and useless).
[ strengths ] I’m very determined when I set my mind on something, and I’m extremely loyal. I once went to a Track meet after a morning of being very sick, just because my coach told me I’d be one of the important runners in the meet. I absolutely hate letting people down.
I’m usually a very happy person, and I enjoy making others around me happy. I work hard when it comes to things that matter to me. Also, people have told me that I’m not a forceful person. I figure that’s kind of a good thing too.
I’m very laid-back, which is why some people think I’m a push over. However, I see at as picking my battles. If I think something isn’t fair, but it’s something as trivial as who gets to sit in the front seat, I’m not going to argue over it. However, if it’s something more important, I’ll do my best to show my point of view.
[ weaknesses ] I’m too quiet and shy, to the point of not wanting to stand out. I tend to keep my feelings and emotions to myself because of that, and because I don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings. As you probably noticed, I tend to do most things for other people. n_n!
Sometimes I can be too stubborn, which can lead me to making myself sick or hurting myself. When something’s wrong, I bottle my negative emotions, so I end up being very moody. So they show anyway. n_n! This is one reason I feel I’m immature. Another reason is because I tend to act like a little kid in what I say, my likes, and what I do.
I’m too trusting and I really am a bit of a push over. My friends will get me to hold things or get things for them and I won’t even ask why until about 5 minutes later. >_>! Oh, and I’m a ditz and a drama queen. :D!
[ hobbies and/or talents ] Watching TV, playing on the Internet, drawing, and playing video games. Occasionally I run on the treadmill, too.
[ would you like two stamps (personality + appearance, pictures required), OR just one (personality)? ] Just personality. :3
[ - questions - ]
[ what is your outlook on life? ] That it should be fun and to try and always look on the bright side. It makes the world seem so much brighter when you find hope in a situation (even if it’s a small hope).
[ what makes you unique? ] The other day, I found it in my psychology class that I think on both sides of my brain equally. In other words, I’m as logical as I am artistic. :3
[ how many people in your life would you die for if you had to? ] About 6. My immediate family, and my friends. :D
[ is there anyone you admire? if yes, who and why? if not, why not? ] I don’t really admire anyone. I might admire how people act, and if so, I try to act like that.
[ if you could be reincarnated as any creature (besides wolves), what would you be and why? ] A house cat, I guess. They can lounge in the sun, or run outside and play in the grass and pretend they’re tigers. And they have those cool climbing things. :O
[ what would you do if you found $500 on the floor and no one was around who may have dropped it? ] Turn it in to lost and found or to the police. I just lost two ring, and was extremely lucky that an honest person turned them into lost and found. Man~, I can only imagine how bad someone would feel if they lost $500.00. D8
[ on a stressful day, what do you do to relax? ] Play video games or draw. Takes my mind off whatever’s stressing me out and smoothes out all my thoughts long enough for me to formulate a plan to get out of the mess.
[ if there were no consequences, which law would you want to break and why? ] There really isn’t a law I want to break. Besides, I’d feel bad afterwards anyway. ._.!!
[ a homeless man once said this to me: "what is live spelled backwords? evil. what is lived spelled backwords? devil. what is dog spelled backwards? god. and what is man's best friend?"...what do you make of this? ] *blink* So is he saying that we should all just kill ourselves because when we live we’re doing evil and following the devil? ‘Cause that’s kinda stupid… The dog and God thing was kind of witty, though.
[ share a favorite quote. why do you like it? ] “You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off, then you stand.” - Stand by Rascal Flatts.
I like it so much (along with the rest of the song) because I can relate to it so much. It’s also how I think one should react to tough situations: if you fail, get back up and try again!
[ anything else you'd like to say? ] I'm kind of sleepy at the moment. :D!
[ - pictures/description - ]
put your pictures or your description here. you can post 1-6 pictures, but it's not mandatory UNLESS you are also applying for an appearance stamp.
Since I’m only going for personality, I’ll just skip this part. xD