[ - stats - ]
[ name? ] Jacey.
[ age? ] Twenty-one.
[ male/female? ] Female.
[ astrological sign? ] Libra sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius, moon in Taurus, Leo rising~.
[ are your traits typical of those of your sign, totally different, or do you not care/pay attention? ] I’m such an air sign it hurts. XD And in classic Libra fashion, I hate being alone and indecisive is essentially my middle name. But the Scorpio and Aquarius are huge influences in my personality, as well. Scorpio - I have the intense loyalty, along with the extreme privateness. (Apparently, I am a bit of an enigma.) Aquarius - I am both very detached and very friendly at the same time, and…well, quirky. XD;
[ strengths ] Intensely loyal and fiercely protective, I’ve been told that I’m good with words/generally know what to say to make someone feel better, I’m quite friendly and the “mothering” sort (I look after and fuss over basically everyone, even if I have absolutely no plans to have children of my own), I have the capacity to dedicate myself completely to something and am willing to give up just about anything for the people I love, I can be very tenacious, I’m creative, I can make people laugh, I'm patient, I’m good at seeing through people and understanding them, I’m accepting and non-judgmental, I like to think that I’m intelligent.
[ weaknesses ] I panic and stress entirely too much, completely opening up to someone is almost impossible for me, I can’t cope well with being alone (even if getting too close to people ironically terrifies me >>), I have a habit of being too hard on myself, I overthink things to a fault, I’m chronically indecisive, I can be extremely emotionally avoidant and detached, I have to try and fix everything even if I know it’s impossible and even if I know I’ll break myself in the process.
[ hobbies and/or talents ] Writing, writing, writing (did I mention writing? :D), reading, astrology, researching and teaching myself things, playing with my kitties, being active in my various fandoms.
[ would you like two stamps (personality + appearance, pictures required), OR just one (personality)? ] Just personality is fine~.
[ - questions - ]
[ what is your outlook on life? ] I just try my best to roll with whatever comes and take it all in stride.
[ what makes you unique? ] …my entire life is the most wtf thing ever and none of it ever makes any sense; I somehow attract crack like a magnet. XD;;; I also attract nicknames just as hard; I’m currently at over a hundred of them and counting. o_o; (Literally.)
[ how many people in your life would you die for if you had to? ] …that’s actually a really hard question to answer. I don’t have qualms about dying for anyone I really loved, but seeing as I look after rather a lot of people, if I died for one of them I would need to know that the others were being taken care of in my stead.
[ is there anyone you admire? if yes, who and why? if not, why not? ] Mostly, I admire the people who’ve been through hell but still somehow make it work to their advantage, let themselves become stronger for it instead of just breaking down. I also value intelligence very highly, and so admire those who possess a lot of it. ♥
[ if you could be reincarnated as any creature (besides wolves), what would you be and why? ] Cat! I’m very feline as-is - I have a tendency to purr/mew (yes, out loud), and my mannerisms in general are rather catlike.
[ what would you do if you found $500 on the floor and no one was around who may have dropped it? ] Assuming this was at some sort of store, I’d leave it at the desk in case anyone went looking for it. If not, and there was no possible way to find its owner…I’d probably end up spending most of it on books. >.>;
[ on a stressful day, what do you do to relax? ] …when I’m really stressed (which happens often), I can’t relax. XD;;; The best I can do is just distracting myself, and for that I usually turn to writing or reading or crack conversations with friends.
[ if there were no consequences, which law would you want to break and why? ] Knowing me, I’d probably cause epic chaos in public and “disturb the peace” or some such. XD; As long as it makes for a fun story afterwards, we’re good~.
[ a homeless man once said this to me: "what is live spelled backwords? evil. what is lived spelled backwords? devil. what is dog spelled backwards? god. and what is man's best friend?"...what do you make of this? ] Wordplay is fun. ♥
[ share a favorite quote. why do you like it? ] For each of us, I think, one person exists for whom we would change our whole world, though we never believe this until we discover ourselves ready to make that previously unthinkable change. Someone for whom we would leave everything we own, for whom we would travel to foreign lands and suffer foreign ways and foreign climes willingly, because when we discover that one someone, our home is no longer a thing with walls of stone and windows of glass. That one person becomes our home, and where he goes, there too is everything we value. (From Holly Lisle’s Talyn)
Because, at least to me, absolutely nothing could be more true.
[ anything else you'd like to say? ] It’s good to see this place finally active! ♥
[ - pictures/description - ] Tiiiiiiny. XD Very short and thin; wavy dark brown hair that’s almost to the small of my back; big brown eyes; almost always smiling or laughing, even when I probably shouldn’t be. I tend to look quite a lot younger than my actual age.