See, it's just Frank and Gerard at first, but all of a sudden Frank is TIRELESS in bed. And Gerard is DOING HIS BEST but he's ONLY HUMAN, OKAY, and he reaches a point where he JUST WANTS TO CUDDLE. And Frank is all "Oh, sure, cuddling! Cuddling's great!", and he TRIES but he still ends up grinding against Gerard's hip and Gerard is all "HEY" and Frank is all "I'M NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE, JEEZ--hey, move your thigh a little to the right?"
So eventually, maybe around the time of the head-humping incident, Gerard has NO RECOURSE but to turn to Ray and Bob and Cortez for help. And they're like "...And you want us to do what, exactly?" and Gerard's all "*mumblemumble*help me tire him out?*mumble*" And it's kind of a weird thing to have someone ask, but they all think about it, and hey, not like he's asking them to do something they won't probably enjoy.
So then all that's left is to inform Frank that Gerard's sort of signed him up for a gangbang, which Gerard hems and haws a bit over but eventually does, and Frank is all "...DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?" and goes and sprawls out in the middle of a convenient king-sized hotel bed. And the others all exchange glances, sort of "...Are we really about to do this?" and Frank is just like "WHY IS THERE NO SEX HAPPENING IN THIS ROOM YET?"