The Philosophy of Science Fiction. This is an honest to gods helf-semester course at my school, and I am currently taking it! Needless to say, I am insanely excited about it. We're supposed to be watching 5 or so movies throughout the class, and reading 5 sci-fi novels as well as a collection of more "classic" philosophical readings (Huma, Neitzche
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Comments 8
And thanks for the heads-up on the LJ community, I'll be checking it out.
women in scifi post. I hope this helps.
I am a bit confused by your, "Send me the list of books you have" comment. The course reading list is posted in the LJ entry, my short list of suggestions is also posted there.
The only book written by a woman authour that I HAVE gotten around to reading are the first two of C. J. Cherry's Chanur books. I do own a few other sci-fi novels by women (all yet-to-read), but they are either less tied in with philosophy, or likely too specific-interest for a general class.
Sorry I can't help you out with your question. I just can't think of any. There was one book I was thinking of, but I can't remember the title of it, and now that I think more about it, I'm pretty sure it was written by a man. If I ever figure out what book I'm thinking of, I'll let you know if it fits your criteria.
Not that I'm saying it's not valid, because sci-fi obviously can deal heavily with philosophical issues.
We are also going to watch movies in that class :)
I'll report back to you if he says anything more about B5, or has anything funny to say about ST.
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