Title: Just a Spar Characters: Jin and Hwoarang Series: Tekken Word Count: 244 Rating: PG-13 for a little bit of lingo Disclaimer: I don't own them, Namco does. Summary: Jin always seems to get interupted from his training.
Though I dunno if I can get them to do that...they don't like each other too awful well. Like trying to pull teeth to get them in the same room anymore lol.
Comments 3
Even though you've already heard it...lol.
Loved...would have liked to read about how they were both panting, bloody, and blue, but I guess that will come later eh?
Good work dude.
Though I dunno if I can get them to do that...they don't like each other too awful well. Like trying to pull teeth to get them in the same room anymore lol.
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