Cloud Strife
Appearance: Cloud is a very attractive young man of average height and a muscular build. His features are rather soft, almost effeminate, but quite obviously male. Lightly coloured, his skin is pale and his hair blonde, and his eyes are blue, infused with mako which make them glow.
In and around the ruined city of Purgatorium, Cloud looks tattered and often exhausted. The reason for this may well be the black stain of Geostigma, crawling up his forearm and slightly blackening his neck. He covers it if he can.
Since having it returned to him, Cloud will not be seen without his sword.
Personality: To say Cloud is a man with many problems would be an understatement. He is almost constantly wracked with guilt and fear - he failed to get into SOLDIER, he failed Tifa, he failed Aerith, he failed himself - and such things can drag him down into a despair from which he is easy to manipulate.
He has a thirst to prove himself. This is shown especially to Tifa as a child, to Sephiroth as a recruit, and then for Aerith, and not doing so - being the ‘failure’ again - can rob him of all fire, break him or crush him.
Cloud strives to be himself. With the help of Tifa, he managed to piece himself back together as a whole, as opposed to merely fragments with memories of Zack within. He is on his way to healing, but the fractures are still there, and still easily apparent.
He often puts on an apathetic front. The phrase ‘lone wolf’ can often be applied to him. He spent much of the game denying that he cared for much at all, and put on a tough exterior to show this. He can be quite cocky and somewhat venomous, finding it in keeping with the stoic front he puts on. However, he also says things like ‘let’s mosey’ and ‘turn us into crispy critters’, so that should tell you all you need to know about him as a person.
Underneath the pain and the often understandable - if very frustrating - angst Cloud is a devoted and determined person. He holds many things dear to his heart and would give his life to protect them. He has inner strength, but it is a fragile thing, wavering unless he has the support he desperately needs. Like the lone wolf he is likened to, Cloud rejects and yet ultimately desires love and understanding, for he often feels himself unworthy of it. His self-depreciation can often drive people away.
He does fight against the holds that others have on him that do not let him be himself. He does not wish to be a failure and tries to prove those who call him one wrong. Of course, it usually does require someone to set it off, again showing a dependency on others, though also an inner strength which can flourish at times.
History: Listed
here, for his before-hand history. Will be updated as the RP progresses.