It's time to go back, Back to school now.

Aug 22, 2009 12:26

Wow, I can't believe it has been two whole months since I last updated here. I have been so busy, and so much has happened!

I finished out my Weapons class around the time of my last post. To my utter amazement, I got an A! I have never gotten an A in a technical class before; humanities, yes but never math or science! So that was an awesome feeling, and I jumped right into Probability and Statistics. God, I hate math. I'm one of those people that almost has to take off her shoes to count past ten. I did ok throughout, maintaining a B average. But then I completely tanked the final and ended up with a C. That's pretty much on par with my usual skills at math. High C's and low B's most of the time.
Ok, enough of the boring school stuff. I pretty much did nothing those whole two months since we were allowed limited times to leave. So when I got to go home for a whole month, life was good. I showed off Stevie Rae to my mother, who didn't quite understand the red tatoos on her face, but said that the eyebrows were good. My sister, with the artistic eye, said I did a good job once she realized I had done it by hand. She said the symmetry was good, and she was impressed  I had painted her myself since I have very little artistic ability when it comes to painting or drawing. But Pullips still freak her out with their big heads and blinking eyes. And for the first time ever, her only request of my dolls was that they not look at her while she was asleep, since we share a room when we are both at home.

Being home didn't include a whole lot of anything special. I got home just in time for my birthday, so for the first time in six years, I got to spend the day with people I love and care about. I was given a sewing machine, because my mom says every woman about to strike out and live on her own needs one to be able to make curtains, throw pillows and who knows what else. What was the first thing I used it for, you may ask? I spent several days sewing a Raggedy Anne doll for my sister since she is the mascot of my sister's sorority. I even picked out fabrics in the colors of her sorority so she would be a true mascot!

Most everyday was spent sleeping in, watching Project Runway and America's Next Top Model marathons on TV and listening to my brother yell at his play station until my parents and my sister got back from work. I learned how to make boiled peanuts, and made a couple of big batches for my family to munch on. My cousins came to visit one weekend, and we went to the beach on one of the five sunny days RI had all frikken summer. I did a lot of reading. I read The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, Julie and Julia, most of the Sookie Stackhouse books (you know, the ones TrueBlood is based on? Awesome show, btw. Watch it. Watch it now.) and a few others. I am reading The Time Travelers wife right now. Now that is a book that cna easily confuse the reader. Whew!
I have also come to the conclusion that it is time to thin out my doll collection. I counted, and realize that I have 27 dolls of various makes and companies, of which Pullips are the most numerous. I think I am going to be selling my Lan Ake, full stock, my BNP nude and bald, my Dal-to-Pullip custom Fiore,  my Luts Dark Elf Soo BJD floating head, my Trunk (maybe), my bait MJ, and maybe one or two others anda ton of doll clothing I never use. We'll have to see. In addition to just needing more space, there is a Luts Vamp Shiwoo that I have my eye on and he is a great price, so I want to try to pay for him by selling off re-homing lesser loved dolls. So if any of these selections appeal to you, let me know and I will set them aside for you before I make a FS thread on DM later this weekend.

Ok, end of multiple LJ cuts. Other than that, I am back at school and ready to finish out my last semester so I can graduate and report to my job! Classes start Monday, and I am on my way out to buy school supplies and cleaning stuff, since my new dorm room is dirty and gross. I hate moving into rooms guys have recently vacated. They're always so dirty, and half the time they leave dirty nasty underwear in the closets and half used soap in the shower. Blegh.

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