A Me Meme, Swiped from blizzard_skies

Feb 16, 2010 02:59

► Are you single -- Yes
► Are you happy -- Usually
► Are you bored -- Rarely
► Are you sad -- More often than I'd like but not overly so, I guess.
► Are you Italian -- Probably not
► Are you German -- Hard to say..I'm adopted know zip about my bio-makeup.
► Are you Asian -- Doubtful, but you never can tell.
► Are you angry -- Not by nature, but it does happen, sometimes explosively so.
► Are you Irish -- Could be...especially on March 17th every year.
► Are your parents still married -- Well they were when Ma passed away, so I'll say yes.

► Birth Place -- Long Beach, California
► Hair Color -- Light Ash Brown with a lot of grey..er, highlights.
► Hair Style -- Long and wavy curly
► Eye color -- Dark grey blue
► Birthday -- 15 September 1955
► Mood -- Now? Not quite up to snuff today, but feeling a little better.
► Gender -- Female of the species.
► Lefty or Righty -- Righty
► Summer or Winter -- Winter
► Morning or Afternoon -- Wee hours of the morning.

► Are you in love -- Nope
► Do you believe in love at first sight -- I believe in Lust at first sight...
► Who ended your last relationship -- Not sure...prolly me.
► Have you ever been hurt -- Um...not really!
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart -- Yes, unfortunately.
► Are you friends with your ex -- Sorta
► Are you afraid of commitment -- No, not afraid..just annoyed with relationships.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? -- I hugged my arms off yesterday! :D
► Have you ever had a secret admirer -- If I did, they kept the secret too well.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? -- Too many times..

► Love or Lust -- Lust
► Lemonade or Iced tea -- Iced tea
► Cats or Dogs -- Ooooo...tough call! Both, but right now it seems to be Pussycats.
► A few best friends or many regular friends -- I have a few good friends, but only three best friends.
► Television or Internet -- Stop with the rough choices! If i HAVE to choose, then it's TV.
► Pepsi or Coke -- Ice cold Coke in a 8 oz glass bottle...the only way to enjoy a Coca-Cola!
► Wild night out or romantic night in -- Neither. I'm too old and boring these days. :P
► Pink or Purple -- Purple
► Day or Night -- Night
► IM or Phone -- Text

► Been caught sneaking out -- Only once...heh heh heh...
► Fallen off the stairs -- Yes! And it hurt like hell!!
► White water rafted -- No, but I've always wanted to.
► Finished an entire jawbreaker -- Don't really like jawbreakers much.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? -- Yes...
► Prank called a store -- No
► Skipped School -- Yes, way too often, back in the day.
► Wanted to disappear -- Yes, all the time.

► Smile or Eyes -- Smile
► Light or Dark Hair -- Definitely dark hair.
► Fat or Skinny -- Lean build.
► Shorter or Taller -- Taller than me.
► Intelligence or Attraction -- Intelligence is hella sexy!
► Jock or Nerd -- A nice combination of the two, but more nerdy.
► Hook-up or Relationship -- Neither. Really.
► Funny & poor or Rich & serious -- Funny and poor.
► Play the guitar or into sports -- Guitar, hands down.

► Last phone call/text -- Texting my daughter about the Olympics.
► Last phone call you received -- Yesterday morning to remind me to get up and go to my Uncle's 96th Birthday Party. It was a great time!
► Last person you hung out with -- Hmmm...that activity seems to be getting fewer and farther between. Bummer.
► Last person you hugged -- My Uncle Ed. He still smells nice, just like he always did.
► Last person you IM'ed -- No one.
► Last thing you ate -- A bag of organic microwave popcorn, and it wasn't nearly as great as I thought it might be.
► Last thing you drank -- Langer's Blackberry Pomegranate Juice
► Last site you went to -- Live Journal!
► Last place you were -- Albertson's, to buy milk. Geeze my dad goes through that stuff fast!

► Are you in a committed relationship -- Nope...well not if you don't count my cats.
► Do you want to be -- Not even sometimes.
► When was your last relationship -- Geeze. Hmm...maybe 2001? I dunno when it exactly even ended. LOL
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? -- Only my children.
► Do you still love them -- Well, of course! More than air, in fact.

► Do you and your family get along -- Yeah, I think so.
► Would you say you have a "fucked up life"-- No. Events in it can be fucked up, but for the most part< I've had a very good life. Maybe even a little charmed.
► Have you ever run away from home -- When I was 5. I got as far as behind Ma's car in the driveway. I came back in when it got dark and cold. Total fail. LOL
► If so, how long -- Maybe...an hour? That's pretty stubborn for a little kid.
► Have you ever gotten kicked out -- Nope.
► If so, how long --

► Do you secretly hate one of your friends -- No!
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends -- Yes, I think so.
► Do you trust all your friends -- Yes!
► Who are/is your best friend(s) -- My kids.
► Would you die for them -- Absolutely.
► Who knows everything about you -- Vanessa and Will...but I still have a few secrets. ;)


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