
May 13, 2005 12:45

OK, I'm sicker today. Gotta love how that happens. I woke up feeling like SHEEEEE-ITE, sneezing, mucus running down the throat, coughing, the works. And I took some dayquil and drank my tea at work and whatever, but my throat was still killing me. So I went to work for about 2 hours and asked if I could go home. I was going to stay the whole day, ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

shadowrazor7777 May 13 2005, 19:05:32 UTC
Does anyone else have issues with the fact that you're going to die someday? That's one of the things that's been going around in my mind...

All the time, everyday, my life
revolves around that makes
me not want to go to school, not want
to do anything because it all seems like
a fact lately its been bothering
me more than usual and I dont know why,
perhaps too many stupid existential movies.
Take care, get better, dont let it get you down.


wolfwoodglomper May 14 2005, 00:32:37 UTC
Oh thank god, I don't feel so alone anymore. That's exactly what's been going through my head...


shadowrazor7777 May 14 2005, 01:03:38 UTC
^_^ Hey if youre bored you should go to my journal and on the very first entry or my profile you can make a neopet :P It helps me even if you just make one and activate the account so you should ;)


wolfwoodglomper May 14 2005, 06:32:37 UTC
Heehee, I totally will, once I get internet hooked up to my computer. ^_^


living4angles May 14 2005, 03:54:12 UTC
Hey! hope you get better soon. It is not good that you are sick now, especially with all the trees blooming and the time you should spend outside instead of in your appartment.

Are you afraid of death? If you do, how do you know it is bad? It can be the most positive thing in your life. Just a thought ... ;)

Get well soon!


wolfwoodglomper May 14 2005, 06:35:47 UTC
Yeah, I would have to say I'm afraid of it, just because...well, a friend of mine brought up a good point: we have nothing to compare it to, we have no idea what it's like, and I get depressed thinking that I won't be around anymore...And the actual act of dying, what you see, what you feel, etc. I'm totally scared of that...


marlene_1606 May 14 2005, 12:20:14 UTC
Hey, ich hatte eine ganz heftige Phase in der mich der Gedanke an den Tod andauernd begleitet hat.
Das war, als ich Depressionen hatte, ich glaube, ich hab dir davon erzaehlt oder? Als ich mich selber verletzt habe und so...
egal, auf jeden Fall kenne ich das Gefuehl gut, ich kenne das Gefuehl, wenn sich ein Gedanke im Kopf will nicht darueber nachdenken, aber die Gedanken sind die ganze Zeit da, wie eine dunkle Wolke, die die ganze Zeit ueber einem schwebt. Mich hat der Gedanke fast irre gemacht....wie als wenn man versucht sich die Ewigkeit vorzustellen, weisst du, was ich meine?

Ich glaub nicht, dass ich dir wirklich helfen kann, aber glaub mir, du kommst da durch! Ich weiss, es hoert sich komisch an, aber versuche mal, den Gedanken zu akzeptieren. Also, ihn weder wegzuschieben noch dich da total reinzusteigern. Einfach nur sagen "Ok, diese Angst ist da." Ich weiss das hoert sich dumm an, aber vielleicht hilft es dir doch.


wolfwoodglomper May 14 2005, 17:54:29 UTC
Thank you...I think you're right...I've been talking to a lot of people and hearing a lot of different thoughts on the matter, and I'm still sort of processing it all. I think I need to keep talking, keep acknowledging, keep realizing I have the thoughts...I think you're right, I think I will get through it...I just feel like it's going to take a long time right now.


hmm.. rothe May 15 2005, 15:14:56 UTC
"Does anyone else have issues with the fact that you're going to die someday? That's one of the things that's been going around in my mind..."

i'm living in death around here..


Re: hmm.. wolfwoodglomper May 15 2005, 19:10:25 UTC
If you don't want to answer this, that's fine, I know it's probably a hard topic for you, but - have you actually seen anyone die since you've been over there?


Re: hmm.. rothe May 16 2005, 17:07:32 UTC
not a hard topic at all .. i talk about my own death all the time =)

some people will be veryyyyyyyyy rich if i die over here..

the way i see it, is if i die, then that was my time to die.. as long as i dont die a painful and/or slow death then fuck, its my time to go and i'll go.


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