Drhoz asked me if I saw any interesting bugs out at site to let him know, I've been stalking around with a camera, so under the cut, if the right buttons are pushed should be some photos of interest.
Ok, this guy isn't a bug, but he's pretty cool and was just chilling on the sand pretending I couldn't see him.
Wondering why this pic is there?
That's why. You try finding one of these. Incidentally, the spiders that live in these holes can get very large.
I thought this was a scrap of tree branch caught on my window screen until I went to brush it off and noticed branches typically don't have legs.
This guy spent an afternoon vegged out on the fly screen
This moth was huge, probably about 3.5-4 inches long and very mellow. I picked him up from inside, put him on the tree then he stayed there while I took photos. Of course, he took off before I could get my camera.
This guy was chilling on the concrete in the carport during the middle of the day. Again, he didn't move, which was handy for taking photos, but not so handy after someone parked their car in the shade. Good news is I saw another one that evening back at the accommodation block.