Thought I'd put this behind a cut for those who haven't seen
Now You See Me So
I watched Now You See Me the other day. It's effectively a caper film and I'm a big fan of those. The key thing about caper films is they're suppose to be fun, the baddies get their just deserts and the goodies get away, not necessarily with the loot, but making the moral victory.
Anyway, at the end of Now You See Me, you find out why the companies were chosen, a bank that wouldn't refinance, the insurance company that wouldn't pay out and a safe company that made an inferior quality safe.
The insurance company sure, but they never pay out. The bank was a bank, I Can sort of get those. But I feel sorry for the safe company. In the movie they guy says "They cut corners and made the safe out inferior metal so it buckled underwater and could not be opened." Now two things spring to mind here.
Firstly, safes are suppose to be hard to open, so a safe that buckles and doesn't open when it is underwater could be seen as a security feature. Secondly, safes are not designed to have people in them and thrown onto the bottom of a river. You can't take something that is designed for one thing and use it for another and complain that it doesn't work. It's like standing on a chair to change a light bulb. Sure, you can do it, but you should be using a ladder, you can't really complain if the chair falls over or you put your foot through it.
So from that perspective, I think the safe company was unfairly targeted. "I'm sorry, you need to check that your safes can be escaped from in case someone is inside them and get thrown onto the bottom of a river." No, I'm sorry. "You're doing the trick of escaping from a safe on the bottom of the river, you should do your homework and check the safe is suitable first."
Anyway, just a brief movie rant.