I'm going to be cleaning up/out a lot of my access routes... cell phone contacts, email contacts, IM addresses, and livejournal friends list are the ones I thought of on the spot. There are, of course, people who won't be reading this entry since they don't have livejournal. I'll be directing them here (note: a public entry!) and if you're chatting with someone who you know I know pretty well, then please give them this link.
I am leaving this almost entirely in your hands - my philosophy on the matter is that if you don't care to talk to me, then I shouldn't force an unwanted correspondence.
Comments are screened. Follow the template below. Most importantly, don't reply unless you plan on talking with me once in a while. I will actually be annoyed if you reply out of guilt and I never hear from you. The harsh reality is that I don't hear from more than a couple of people outside of chance meetings. That doesn't mean that I don't like everyone else, it just means we're not a part of each other's daily lives.
In about a week I'll make removals from my friends list and contact lists. Every day I'll post a reminder about this entry. I will reformat contacts and give out my new IM as comments are submitted. I will send my own information to those who send me theirs.
Full name:
Full birthday:
Most reliable method of contact:
Primary phone number:
Secondary phone number:
Text messaging: Y/N
Home address:
School residence address:
School mailing address:
Primary e-mail address:
Secondary e-mail address:
Facebook: Y/N
Other: Wii friend code, XBox live, WoW characters/realms, Pandora, deviantart, etc