Totally in love with this, it's amazing for your first fanart - hopefully more will follow soon! Any chance you could make an icon/I could snag yours? (With credit of course!)
I forgot about the sizing, I usually make mine at 500 for tumblr and then throw them up here.
I pick pictures up at the fansites for Hugh and Anna. I use to do screen shots, but I find my screen shots online now. If you want I will link some of the websites for you when I have more time.
Comments 7
I'd like to make more art, but I was wondering if everyone just searches the web for images to work with, or do they take screen shots from the movie?
I pick pictures up at the fansites for Hugh and Anna. I use to do screen shots, but I find my screen shots online now. If you want I will link some of the websites for you when I have more time.
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