Not so Soomed...

Sep 03, 2010 06:35

Well, this is unexpected. Soom has released a beautiful, reasonably priced centaur, and all I can really manage is a half-hearted 'meh.' I'm so surprised at myself that I was motivated to come over here and mutter about it.

I think I may be done with elaborate fantasy dolls. Not fantasy characters, really. But I'm happy to express my flights of fancy in unusual resin colors, eyes, wigs, clothes and meandering backstories. My general feelings towards Soom right now is mostly 'been there, done that.' Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed both my Heliot and my Chrom, and honestly if the body had not annoyed me, I probably would have kept my Chrom on a human body. But I look at Epidos, appreciate his awesomeness, and then start thinking about what a chore it will be to mess with him and maintain his painted parts.

I don't like display dolls. I want dolls I can carry around, pose and generally mess with. And once you get a Soom painted up properly, you can barely move them without chipping their paint. Styx is fine, she's small and her leg warmers keep her hoofies safe until I want to show them off. I can still pick her up, cuddle her and play with her. Epidos looks like a beautiful headache.

I will say I am interested in seeing if A)they release a female centaur and B)they release teenie centaurs. I think a female will look more balanced on the centaur body, and would potentially be more tempting to me since I've never owned a super gem girl. If they do teenies, I will have one. Oh yes, I will. And then I may finally get off my ass and buy a domadoll centaur to be its friend. XD
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