I was informed of Amelia Bones' murder not moments after it occurred. A heinous and senseless crime. I think they'll find they gain little out of Amelia's death. Amelia's murder is profoundly grievous. She was a good and kind person. On our side, her loss will be greatly felt. In the meantime, it is clear that the enemy is becoming decidedly bolder. We must all be on our guard now more than ever. Especially those of us at Hogwarts whose priority is the students' safety before our own.
[private to self]
I was told that Harry had another dream. A dream in which he saw the murder of Amelia take place at the very moment it occurred. Albus appears greatly concerned by this. More than he wants to let on. Severus has been instructed to take up teaching Harry Occulmency again. I'm sure both involved are delirious with joy at this information.