I hide everything under the cut and everything under the cut will spoil hard so please don't click if you don't want to read what is coming. To the rest: Please feel free to comment and enjoy the caps:)
I like to say that to me Torchwood ended in the 3 episode from season 3. And I will never ever again watch episode 4 and I didn't watch the episode five. Because I couldn't care less what happen to the kids I hope Weevils ate them. I heard rumor that there would be 4th season...But if dead isn't coming back alive I'm done for good with this show. Well I have season one and two that I can watch over and over again.
Now I should add pics that I won't just talk you guys to dead
This scene made me laugh so hard: loving neighbor :D
We need a child <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
What I heard: Yes, Jack. I would love to have your ass-baby.
Jack you bad man! *smack* YOU ARE A COUPLE!
Poor Ianto!
aaaaaw *hugs*
Rhys looks good in a suit :D I never had crush on Rhys before...but that suit.
Bob the builder :D
Hello there
I love Ianto here <3
I will stop soon. But there is still couple of things I want to write here:
Ianto Jones is the heart and soul of Torchwood.
And finally: Fuck stupid poison air Fuck RTD and most important: FUCK CANON!
I'm sorry that you had to read my mad writings. But I really needed to open up.