now I am 61

Oct 09, 2020 23:59

Looking back over this past year, I sometimes think that God was concerned that my humility score wasn't high enough, because the events of the last year certainly humbled me in a number of ways. Still, I managed to avoid being reduced to sleeping in the street and losing all my stuff, but I had a lot of help, much of it from people I don't even ( Read more... )

domestic stuff

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Comments 6

sjborch October 10 2020, 15:40:51 UTC
Stealth post from me. Happy birthday, Kevin.


wombat_socho October 10 2020, 22:52:42 UTC
Thank you. I knew I left the comments open for a reason.


Answer anonymous October 10 2020, 22:37:04 UTC
It seems to me those are governmental jobs you are doing part time. If you can have one of those, you ought to have better employment security.


Re: Answer wombat_socho October 10 2020, 22:52:01 UTC
The position with the election board is temporary, through the end of the election, and working for Block is seasonal as well. I am semi-retired on disability, so employment security is not a major concern, anon.


selenite October 12 2020, 03:37:40 UTC
Happy birthday, and I hope your next year is less "interesting" than this one!


wombat_socho October 12 2020, 17:50:28 UTC
Thank you! I certainly hope the times are less interesting this year, at least on a personal level.


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