Name: Lova
Age: 28
Stamped As: Belle
5 positive words about yourself: Intelligent, intellectual, creative, understanding, and loyal.
5 negative words about yourself: Stubborn, proud, impatient, sensitive and easily distracted.
Describe your personality: I'm a dreamer. That might be the headline. I've lived in my own little world since I was a child, and was often thought of as strange (happens all the time now as well, and I don't think I'll ever grow out of it). I have a quirky sense of humor and sometimes (often, even) people look as me as if I was from Mars. That makes me value my close friends even more, because they understand me. Although I'm an introvert I love spending time with the people I love, and I'm not at all shy and can be very charming. I'm fond of analyzing things, be it theories, people or situations, and are often preoccupied with that when I should be doing other things.
I'm responsible, although I have a tendency to get ridiculously enthusiastic about little things. I'm realistically optimistic, because I don't see the point of lingering on the problems unless it is to solve them.
Are you a idealist, realist, or pessimist? I guess I'm a realistic optimist, or an optimistic realist. I'm a dreamer, as I said, and I love to see the silver lining in the darkest times.
Are you by the books or rulebreaker/rebel? Rules are only guidelines, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t be. I’ll not break them carelessly, because a lot of them are there for a reason, but I’ll bend and break them as I see fit. I see it as a way of trusting your own judgment. Obviously I wouldn’t start tinkering with my oxygen tank 10 feet below the surface if I didn’t know anything about diving, but if I know that I have knowledge enough about a certain thing the rulebook is the first thing to go.
Are you laid back or worrisome? A little bit of both. I'm mostly laid back, but I tend to over-analyze things, which leads to worry.
Implusive or Cautious: Cautious. I'm only impulsive when I think that it is safe to be so.
Leader or Follower: Neither. I on't really like to follow, but then I don't really enjoy being followed either. I guess I could do both if the situation calls for it, but it's nothing I prefer.
Selfish or selfless: I happen to think that everybody is more or less selfish. I wouldn't say that I'm selfless, but I'm happy to lend a helping hand if I'm in a position to do so. Let's just say that I'm helpful and leave it at that.
High or low self esteem: Unfortunately I suffer from low self esteem, but I'm still pretty confident and have great integrity.
Warm hearted or cold hearted: Warm hearted. ♥
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Anything Else You Would Like To Share?: Thank you for reading and voting! ♥