Name: Rachel
Age: 18
Stamped As: Belle
Susan Pevensie and Will Turner (Live Action)
Belle (Princess)
Lady (Era 1)
Perdita (Era 2)
Kala (Era 3)
Franny (Era 4)
Simba (Male Animal)
5 positive words about yourself: Intuitive, loyal, intelligent, good-humored, kind
5 negative words about yourself: Sensitive, anxious, stubborn, sarcastic, shy
Describe your personality: In a nutshell - I am the biggest INFP (introverted intuitive feeling perceiving) you will ever meet. We are considered "the healers" - we're sensitive and tend to be ruled more by our hearts than our heads. I am fascinated by how the human mind works and am studying Psychology in college in addition to continuing my violin studies.
This or That
Are you a idealist, realist, or pessimist? I can be any of the three, but probably realist the most.
Are you by the books or rulebreaker/rebel? More by the books, but I can have a rebellious streak.
Are you laid back or worrisome? It depends on the situation. I can be either.
Implusive or Cautious: It depends on the situation.
Leader or Follower: I'm not a leader, but I'm not going to do something just because everyone else is.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: More realistic.
Selfish or selfless: I try to be selfless, but no one is all the time.
High or low self esteem: Lower, but not so low that I am not self-aware (so that I don't get clingy or get on people's nerves, etc.).
Warm hearted or cold hearted: Warm!
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Anything Else You Would Like To Share?: Thank you for voting! ♥