(no subject)

Jun 21, 2003 12:27

this is just because i was a little hostile today thinking about all the things that annoy me. no one has to read it because it is soooo long.

it's a little egotistical, arrogant, and stupid to think that humans are the most superior, powerful, and dominant. there could quite possibly be forces out there that are so much more intelligent and powerful and maybe they are all around us but we just haven't even reached a level to be able to notice or begin to comprehend them. but i highly highly doubt that the superior beings out there are what can be termed 'gods'. i don't believe that there is a 'god' in a religious sense. i believe that there are things more powerful than humans but they are not what every religion makes them out to be. i don't think that there is something out there that controls our lives or that keeps track of all our 'sins' so that it can let us into 'heaven'. i don't believe there is a heaven or a hell and i don't believe that what you do during your life affects what happens after you die. when i die i am going to spend eternity in a box. eternity being however long they leave my grave there. and i being my remains. i don't believe in fate and i don't believe in destiny. i think shit happens. sometimes it's good and sometimes it sucks but it wasn't 'meant' to happen. it just happened. i don't believe that there are 'miracles' cause by a 'god'. again sometimes good things happen but do you really think that the superior being you believe in wanted it to happen for you? do you really believe that it would care if you won the lottery or that your brother overcomes his bout with cancer? why, if it existed, would it care?

when you win your fucking BET soul award for best R&B group, do you really believe that 'god' had anything to do with that. why the fuck would it care if you won a stupid meaningless award? and do you really think it would care if you had sex before you were married? or that you kissed someone of the same gender? or if you wore clothes made out of two different fabrics? or if you touched a woman with her period? or if you aborted your fucking fetus? or if you read fucking harry potter? or if you watched the fucking smurfs? i mean seriously folks, what would all that matter to something that is so superior? why would any one lowly human being matter to something with diety status?

i don't understand religious people. and i'm not criticizing all religious people, just the ones who can't think for themselves. i was having a discussion with erin about religion and she said, well what does it really matter what someone believes in, they aren't hurting anyone else. my response to that was that they are very much hurting someone, themselves, their children, society. every religious person that i have met that has actually thought, and i mean actually contemplated religion, has had their doubts. why? because it is fucking absurd to actually believe all of that nonsense that is preached by hypocrites. and all those people who are ignoring the facts and are refusing to grow as human beings because they hide behind their religion are hurting everyone else. all those people that devote themselves to preaching about creationism are all fucking morons. i don't understand how they can ignore the facts, the scientific facts, about evolution. when they are sick they go to the doctor and allow science to help them overcome their sickness. but when it comes to this they ignore it and refuse to accept it. i don't get it.

now i am all for religion teaching about how to be good to other people and how to help other people but that is only a portion of what it teaches. the other portions teaches hate and oppression. it's just another form of social control. do this and you'll go to heaven, do that and you'll go to hell. you'd better be good because 'god' is watching. it's like the santa fairy tale except for adults.

i once read a few things in a guidebook for teenage christians. one of the chapters was about homosexuality. the gist of it was pretty much that homosexuals are tempted by the devil and that god hates them and they should all be burned. how can someone write things like that. what about that poor gay christian who reads that book because he/she is so confused and needs some help? i can definitely see people killing themselves over that shit. or they just live 'good' christian lives and repress their true feelings about who they are. people shouldn't be allowed to pass that hateful shit off as good advice. it's not good advice.

i do believe all of those crazy religious right people are what's bringing this country down. along with all those dumbass republicans that listen to them (sorry josh, i don't think you are a dumbass republican but i do think a lot of them are.). the whole nonsense about abortion just needs to stop. i am glad they banned those partial birth abortions because yes that is killing a human being because it was already out. but other abortions done early in the pregnancy should never be banned and the woman should NEVER ever be made to feel guilty about getting it done. that was probably one of the hardest decisions she had to make and she doesn't need all of the crazy god people hanging out outside of the clinic waving signs in her face and chanting hateful things at her. in texas they just passed a law that before a woman gets an abortion she has to look at all of these grotesque pictures and be put through this type of guilt training by these crazy religious people. i'm sure she feels bad enough, you don't need to do that to her. and all these people hanging out outside of these clinics, don't they have jobs?

the show the other day about teen sex was horrible. the open panel debate included captain abstinence, some guy who taught thorough sex education, a doctor, and some crazy lady who blamed mtv for teenagers wanting to have sex. the abstinence guy said that everyone should wait until they are married. he thinks this because he had a child at 17 unmarried. umm...hypocrite. and all these people are telling their children to wait until they are married but why? what is so special about marriage. with the divorce rate climbing and people getting married just for the hell of it and out of convenience, someone tell me what is so special about marriage. people can get married on tv to someone they've never even met or because they are rich yet gay marriages are disgracing the sanctity of marriage. and who is deciding that gays can't get married. that's right, the crazy religious people who are having extra-marrital affairs and who have many kids out of wedlock *cough cough reverend jesse jackson cough*. in my opinion there should be no religious constraints on sex and sexuality. it's a natural thing and people should be responsible and enjoy it without guilt.

i have nothing against morals and niceness. and if that was all religion taught, i would have nothing against religion. but alas we have so many delusional fucks running around all throughout the world blowing themselves up because of religion, blowing up doctor's offices because of religion, killing people because of religion, and not living their lives in a way that might make them happier because of religion. weak individuals who hide behind their beliefs and are not just hurting themselves but all of mankind.

this is far far far from done and i could say so much more but i'm going out to lunch now and i don't feel like writing anymore. maybe one day i'll continue it but probably not.
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