Title: Something Small, Something Vibrating
Author: Rachel
wonderlandcrazy Pairings: Matt Flyzik/Alex Grieco
Rating: PG
Summary:Matt and Grieco are fighting in the back lounge, but what for?
A/N: based off that one buzznet video on youtube. Guess who is too lazy to look it up right now? It's just a really really short drabble thing, spur of the moment.
Grieco grinned as he wrestled Matt down onto the sofa. They had been fighting for about ten minutes now, and it had moves from the front of the bus all the way to the back. Matt had previously been winning, but Alex took advantage of Matt's momentary staring to gain an advantage over him. They tousled a bit more before Grieco got Matt pinned to the sofa on his hands and knees, arms wrapped around him over his shoulders.
"Ready to give up yet?" Grieco whispered in Matt's ear as Matt tried to break his hold. He could just barely see Matt's smirk.
"Not a chance. Not with what's riding on this fight." Grieco smiled at that, the fight wasn't about the fact that Matt ate Grieco's last Poptart (although he had), but rather, who was going to chose what they did together that night. Both ignored the comments being made by the rest of the crew and band, they were used to them anyways. Eventually, after another five minutes, Vinny lost interest in shouting, and Alex watching, and everyone slowly returned to what they had been doing before, leaving the two still locked together on the couch.
Matt stilled suddenly, and Grieco let up a bit, thinking Matt had decided to give in, until Matt jumped up suddenly, knocking Grieco off him and down on to the floor, quickly pinning him. Rian, still sitting at the table, looked up before loudly declaring Matt the winner, rousing cheers from the entire bus.
Grieco swallowed at the smirk resting on his lover's face.
"You, me, my bunk, tonight. Oh, and, make sure you're wearing that little thing we picked up in the last city. The one with the remote." Matt gave Grieco a quick kiss on the lips before hopping up to rejoin the rest of the bus in the front. Grieco opted to roll over and stay on the ground for a few minutes, in order to recover from the mental images Matt's parting words left him. Tonight was gonna be fun.