May 03, 2010 20:55
You have been caught, heathen!
[The mirror shakes, and suddenly, the image of a young boy being held suspended in the air by two card soldiers appears in all its glory. The boy looks over to the mirror, pauses, and gives the viewer a thumb's up.]
Got caught.
[The card soldier to his right shakes his spear. The screen shakes, documentary style.]
We shall now arrest you in the name of the Queen!
[A hum. The boy points to the mirror now.]
Try moving it a little to the left. [The screen shifts] A little more. [The screen shifts again.] Just a little more. [Shake] Back to the right-- There! Now it's more dramatic.
Now, you shall be arrested--
Mister Card Person shouldn't forget his list.
Yes, right. The list. You are under arrest of being caught when chased and wearing Hello Kitty merchandise in Grincat when the preferred mascot is Muffy the Smart Rabbit--
And your grocery list.
Apples, oranges, two pairs of underwear--
And counting in threes all the way up to a hundred.
Three, six, nine--
Oh, the screen is fogging up. Could Mister Card Person please polish it?
[A sudden gauntlet hits the mirror in an attempt to dust it off, and the transmission cuts.]
[nabari no ou] miharu rokujou