The Long Version

Feb 27, 2010 21:37

OKAY SO. I GOT A JOB. Most of you, that's... all you know!

If you remember the Great Card Disaster of 2009, you'll remember that I had to get all of my Christmas cards reprinted! To get them reprinted, I went to a shop and they were rad. So a few weeks ago, mostly in desperation, I called around to the local shops and asked how I should approach exploring employment opportunities. They gave me the owner's email address! So I wrote a note, not expecting to hear anything back, honestly, because seven months and no interviews? Doesn't make you thrilled.

Except, he did call. Two weeks ago Monday, for a meeting the next Thursday. I went to a stellar job opportunity on Wednesday, and didn't even want to go to the print shop interview because my entire mantra through school was "I will not be unhappy as a graphic designer. I will not work in a print shop." BUT DESPERATE TIMES, ETC ETC. So, I went! Because you never know, right? Anyway, turns out the reason he scheduled a meeting is because I had the balls to email him and seek him out, and because I went to SCAD. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT. There is no job opening! But the meeting went spectacularly and he was just. Brimming with ideas for my potential. He told me that it was the best he could've possibly expected, and that they've tried to fit people in the company in the past and it hasn't worked.

He called the next day and asked for writing samples! Later, at our second meeting, he told me they were all very impressed, and that I had the "voice" the company wanted. There is no position, but he is enamored with my potential, and my youth, and my connectedness to the social aspects of my generation. So, I had the second meeting on Friday, met with some other people. He called me that evening to tell me I got the job and would be starting Monday.

Two weeks from first contact to starting a job. I just. I do not even. IS THIS REAL? IS IT REALLY HAPPENING?

My duties have nothing to do with production! I am okay with this! I will still be learning about the printing process and what the company does, etc, etc, but they're going to be prepping me for more of a marketing/advertising/slightly-less-design-more-ideas position, as a client liaison and thinkbox down the road. It's impossible to describe what I'll be doing because there was no position and no one really knows. But Jesus Fucking Christ, guys, I have a full time job in an industry intrinsically connected with my major. Less than a year after graduation.

I really, really needed this break. I'm so grateful. AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL BE DOING WHEN I KNOW WHAT I'LL BE DOING.

As a reward to myself, I got an expensive hair cut. It'll take a few days to settle, but here are the before and afters.



I'm incredibly pleased with the new one :3

gratuitous, work tag!!, my life at, almost an adult huh

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