
Aug 12, 2011 00:01

[Goss is just a little bit too close to the camera, holding his fingers forward and waggling them like an invitation to hug.] Kiss me, dearie, I've missed you for so long. [He grins wide, too wide, then slams down his hand on something, shaking the camera so that it falls over sideways.]I've never felt lonely before. It smacks a bit like glass ( Read more... )

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Comments 47

shoelessdeath August 11 2011, 18:54:53 UTC
Are you supposed to be a bard or something?


wondershit August 12 2011, 08:15:02 UTC
Bards are them who spit a bit too much, and are generally noisy, aren't they?


shoelessdeath August 12 2011, 17:15:49 UTC
They're noisy anyway.


wondershit August 13 2011, 00:39:18 UTC
Then I think I may just be a "bard".


[Action] libraritology August 12 2011, 02:20:14 UTC
[It's a really good thing that Evelyn missed that particular transmission, or she wouldn't be wandering into the dining area at all.

She gives a polite nod and greeting to The Strange Man at the other end of the table and procures some tea sandwiches from the sideboard, settling in a chair daintily to eat.]


[Action] wondershit August 12 2011, 08:18:22 UTC
[Goss stares at her intensely as she enters, his head stationary, and only his eyes moving to follow her. Subby, the little boy in a coat and tie next to him, does the same.]

[As she sits, he rises from his chair slowly. He takes a deep breath, brings a hand up in her direction... and clears his throat.]

Would you pass the salt, please?


[Action] libraritology August 12 2011, 13:47:45 UTC

[The salt shaker is next to her. The Strange Man is all the way on the other side of the table. With a little sigh, she picks it (and the pepper shaker, because the two must travel together) up and walks around to the end, setting them down.]

There you are.


[Action] wondershit August 13 2011, 00:41:29 UTC
Thank you kindly. [Subby picks them up and starts inspecting them, while Goss sets her with a stare and a smile as though expecting her to say something.]

I haven't seen you around before. Fresh off the boat, are we?


[video forever] oh god he is so delightfully creepy usskickass August 12 2011, 03:45:30 UTC
[Beiste hesitates before speaking. For a second it seems like she might just terminate the message there.

But no. She has to say it.]

You know, talkin' like that isn't exactly as endearing as you seem to think it is.


im sorry if this gets really weird eventually haha wondershit August 12 2011, 08:20:40 UTC
[He grunts in agreement.] I thought it might've been too much. I do try to restrain myself, or else the women all just crowd around.


lmao no worries XD usskickass August 12 2011, 21:34:20 UTC
I find that hard to believe. Talkin' about eating glass is a little...off-putting, frankly.


wondershit August 13 2011, 00:42:17 UTC
Have you ever actually tried it?


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