You're really upset; who is the first person you vent to?
My brother.
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
Morning generally.
Have you been to New York City?
I'm in New York City!
Who is the last person you added to your contacts list in your phone?
Do you have any expensive jewelry?
A few things!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My agent.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Of course!
Do you think you have made a difference in anyone’s life?
I hope so.
Do you remember the name of your first school you ever went to?
I was home schooled.
Have you ever tattooed anyone's name on you?
When is your next road trip?
Oooh! Road trip! What a good idea.
Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
I don't think I'd cry.
Where is your pet(s) right now?
Window sill. He loves people watching.
How many kids do you want to have?
It's not something I've thought about in depth.
What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
What color are your eyes?
What is the natural color of your hair?
Have you ever been so drunk you couldn't remember the night?
Once or twice.
If you had the choice to go to Africa for a month or Paris for two weeks, where would you go?
Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
Teddy and Cooper.
What did you have for breakfast today?
Would you ever want to be famous?
Oh this question.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Sure. I'm not expecting to lose all my friends in the next 3 months!
How late do you stay up usually?
Time is a construct.
Is anyone in the room with you?
Not right now.
What is the ad on the side of the page?
Rice Krispies!
What was the last thing you had to eat?
What does your toothbrush look like?
A toothbrush?
Is there anything you'd like to tell someone?
I try to be as open and honest as I can.
How do you feel about violence?
I'm against it.
Where was your first kiss?
A movie set.
Where do you wish it was?
What an odd question.
Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy?
I prefer zen!
Do you think that bullies should be locked up in barns and burned alive?
No, that's horrible. Who wrote this?
Do immature women amuse you, or annoy you?
Seriously, who wrote this?
What do you do when you're upset?
It depends why I'm upset but it would usually include my brother and Pinkberry.
Do two wrongs make a right?
They can.