tonight's Vampire Diaries!

Nov 04, 2011 00:52

Why is The Vampire Diaries THE BEST SHOW

  • I AM A PILE OF GLEE. I was left feeling like THIS WAS THE BEST EPISODE OF THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!! Even though I know of course it wasn't, but this show is so good at making me feel so involved. STORYTELLING: THEY ARE DOING IT RIGHT.

  • AW MY GIRL ELENA IS SO GREAT. "When do Elena's plans ever work?" Never, Stefan. They never work. But SHE ALWAYS HAS ONE. And she can ally herself with any character, and it is always awesome. Team Elena/Damon/alaric? Awesome. Team Elena/Elijah? Fabulous. Team Elena/Rebekah? MORE PLZ.

  • I was pretty sure Rebekah had compelled her to stay silent, so I totally thought that was going to be a problem for a week. Guess not!

  • Talking about the Elena/Elijah team-up, ELIJAH!!! HI ELIJAH HI

  • Haha, remember when I hated Elijah and he terrified me? Good times.

  • ALARIC COMFORTING BONNIE. That... made me think about those Bonnie/Alaric feelings I had briefly once.

  • Esther, the ORIGINAL WITCH, was played by Alice Evans, who I thought looked familiar, and IMDB tells me that's because she played miss Eloise Hawkins from Lost. You know what this means, right? Crossover fic where Daniel Faraday is a vampire!

  • See, this show makes me silly.

  • I love how Damon and Stefan are VAMPIRES, and not nice people, even if we love them. I like that the show likes to remind us of that sometimes.

  • QUALITY BROTHER TIME WITH THE SALVATORES: always so very appreciated. Specially when it involves unspoken declarations of love, and specially when there are fights.

  • I effing appreciate this show's handling of Elena/Damon. I'm not shipping them wildly or anything, but the writers know how to set a good pace with them.

  • I really think there should be more than one episode per week of this show. I think only one is just cruel.

  • What else? So, if werewolf is a "gene," could the Founding Lockwoods and the village werewolves have mixed at some point, and could Tyler be Klaus great-great-great-great-great-great-nephew or something? And that could explain the siring?

  • But actually, I don't really like to speculate on this show. Everyone had already guessed that Mikael was probably the Original father, and it's not like that was their most shocking twist or anything, but I like the feeling of surprise. I'd really rather not know in advance with this show. That is why Twitter is hell on Thursday nights.

    I really want to recover this blogging muscle thing! If only so I feel it justifies me buying some more paid time, because these ads are really offending my eyeballs. And I miss icons. In fact, this is my only TVD icon left?

    Speaking of recognizing actors from other characters they played, has everyone realized Nolan Ross from Revenge was also young Zedd from Legend of the Seeker? You are all watching Revenge, right?
  • vampire diaries

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