eh finally i got to post this lor. awesome !
saturday's celebration was first to fish&co. man i hate fish&co really. went up to sing a song to get my 2 packs of disney instax. IRRITATING ! but i chose the wrong song. it was low and i sang too softly. EH rewind can ? i would have picked thinking of you or kiss me.
anyway my first surprise was chong decruz and poon. I SAW CHONG WHILE WALKING TO FISH&CO ! HAHAHAHA i was thinking wth what are they doing here and realised that they were my surprise. EH REALLY ! thanks girls. [: after dinner. chong took out a scarf and ask me to blindfold myself. it was very retarded and i arrived at clarke quay. with earphones on.
received two kisses. HAHAHAH. and then hanged around for awhile. went to zirca. i think the music sucks and drinks too. and perhaps i was in a not right mood. i dint enjoy myself. maybe i should give clubbing a try again. but wished it was at a pub. at least the mango margrita will taste better. ]:
tuesday's celebration was with the guys. dimsum at sunshine plaza. YUMS ! and then to arcade. I GOT AN LV MINNIE ! [: and i started the craze and soon jonny and jean were addicted. HAHAHAHHAH. then to hanchih's house to slack. and then to buffet at honjin. ran into yunru and decruz. [: and free meal today ! [: thanks guys ! and love the cake too ! now i wish i had a scanner. took photos with the guys. and hanchih jonny and bird. just a reminder you have 10days left.
p.s: i hope yellow is my lucky colour.
instax really free one. told you joan ! everyone should just buy me one packet. settled. [: LOL. i left 2 normal and 2 disney. OH MAN !
HELLO ALL THIS IS MY BFF JONNY BOY ! he's the best really. his birthday msg was super touching. SING ME BIRTHDAY SONG LEH ! where to find ! eh bff. we will be bff for life ! don't you dare not to acknowledge me hor. LOVES ! [: