Information on LJ Rabbit Hole Day The alarm clock woke me up this morning as it is unfortunately supposed to do. I stetched and even before I was thinking clearly the telephone rang. I answered it in my best 'I don't do mornings' voice by saying "yes?"
I nearly dropped the phone when the voice on the other side informed me that "Hell Miss. I'm a friend. Please could you go look in the mirror?" I seriously considered hanging up on whomever the heck this was. I figured it was a prank call or some weird pervert calling me. Against my better judgement I got out of bed and looked in the mirror hanging behind the door.
"Okay, I'm looking in the mirror. I'm blind so why the heck are you asking me to do this?" I snarled.
The same calm male voice with a slight British accent answered "Because, I want you to walk through it. I have a job offer for you."
I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself upon hearing this. "Buster, I don't know who the heck you are but this is one damn weird phone call. I'm not going anywhere before I put some clothes on so I'm going to put you on speaker phone and you're going to do some explaining, deal? And I have a doctor's appointment in about 3 hours so this had better be good." I switched the phone over to speaker mode and and started rummaging through my clothes in an attempt to find something I felt like wearing to either a doctor's appointment or the most messed up job interview of my existance.
"Of course Miss. My name is Abraham Cooper. I am the personal assistant to Ms Gloria Jimenez. She is the head of a the most respected consulting firm in this region."
I cut him off "And what region would that be? I mean, damn you want me to go through a mirror to get there... that's all kinds of not right and not possible as far as i know." I sit on the edge of my bed to pull on panties, bra, and socks.
He continues in that same, now maddenigly, calm voice, "Miss, I realize this is quite likely strange for you. I live in a paralel dimension to your own. Here, things are quite different. I have the ability to acess your dimension for brief periods and can enable you to cross between the dimensions using that mirror."
"Okay, let's say for the heck of it that I buy your story so far, " I say as I pull on a polo shirt and jeans. "Why in the world would some respected consulting firm from another dimension want to hire me of all people? I'm blind. I'm chronically ill. I have no usable skills. What the heck have you been smoking and can I have some?"
At least that got this far too calm bloke to laugh I thought as I heard laughter over the speaker quickly followed by "I like your spunk Miss. But, I can assure you that I am not under the influence of any mind altering substances. Part of my job is as a talent scout of sorts. In your world you may have few saleable skills. I can assure you that that is not the case here. We value traits that are unnoticed and unappreciated in your world. You have a strong 'sixth sense' do you not?"
I drop my hairbrush and swear softly as I pick it up before flopping on the bed to say "Maybe. What of it if I do?" I begin to brush out my tangled hair quite a bit visciously than I usually would and end up yelping and having to sit there picking out knots with my fingers as this odd fellow blathers on.
"Well, people with storng intuitive abilities are valued here. We would like you to offer you a job as a mid level consultant. Paid training will be provided to you so that you will be able to use your gifts with skill. Housing will be provided to you during your training period and you will be hansomly paid once training is completed."
I hmm softly as I braid my hair. "Okay, so what kinds of consulting does your company do?" I have to admit to be tempted by this bloke's offer. It would get me out of this little metal box I live in that seems to be held together by hope and dirt more than anything else and hey if they pay me maybe I could buy more yarn....
"Miss, that is a bit hard to explain. People and companies come to our company when they are faced with a time of transition. They want some idea of what might be their best options and what the varying outcomes might be."
I interject "So you all are some fancy dancy version of Miss Cleo or something?" as I slip my feet into loafers and pull on a belt.
He chuckles again before replying "I suppose you could say that. But we would like to think of ourselves as being skilled ethical professionals. Our employees are trained and assigned to whichever division of the company that best suits their talents. I suspect that once your training is complete that you will be working in our Interpersonal Relations division."
I snort. "Me, Interpersonal Relations? You must not have been watching me all that closely. Have you noticed just how few friends I actually have? Have you noticed how badly I get along with most people? And if you have, what makes you think I could help anyone with interpersonal relations? And on that note, what happens if I take you up on this wonky offer of yours and walk through that mirror and then I don't manage to get through your training or I can't hold down the job? Do I get to come back here or am I stuck in some truly odd dimension where I don't know anything or anyone?"
"Miss, what I can tell you is that my own abilities indicate to me that you will be well suited to this job. I do not see you not succeding with our company. Having an intuitive sense about people sometimes makes it difficult to interact with them personally. I do realize that you are considered a bit of a social outcast there. Society here is vastly different than yours. We have resources available to us that aren't available to you there. Our in house medical facility is excellent and health care is fully covered for all of our trainees and employees."
I raise and eyebrow at the speaker wondering just how this guy knew I was worried that I was too sick for any kind of work. "Wait, you didn't answer my question. What happens if I don't cut it, no matter how unlikely that is?" I'm not going to let this guy steer me away from what I want to know. I don't want anyone taking advantage of how hard it gets for me to think or concentrate at times.
In a patient voice he replies "True, I didn't. Time travels slightly differently in different dimensions. If you do not or cannot remain with our company I can return you to a point shortly after you left. In fact, if you come now and don't like it I can probably get you back in time to be picked up for your Rheumatologist appointment."
I hmm thoughtfully as I say "Okay, so you all cover medical care. What do you think your people can do for me that people here cannot? And what would I be expected to let them do to me?"
"Miss, I realize that you have serious problems with your immune function as well as neurological problems. You are also blind due to a medical condition that increases the pressure in your eyes thus causing nerve damage. Our medical staff should be able to correct your immune and neurlogical functioning as well as correct the underlying problem with your eyes. We would ask that you let our people you such that you are not in pain and can physically handle working full time. You will not be required to have your vision corrected."
As he pauses I say "Just what aren't you telling me Mr Cooper?"
"Miss, as your gifts are trained, it is quite likely that you will lose the rest of your vision."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I nearly yell as I sit at my desk trying for the life of me to remember what I needed to talk to my doctor about today. I hit the button on my talking clock and boggle. According to my clock, only 5 minutes have passed. "What the heck is going on here? I am fairly sure we've been talking for more that 5 minutes...."
He actually sighs before answering "I have found that blind people tend to have very strong intuitve gifts. Here, completly blind people tend to have the strongest intuitive abilites and people tend to lose vision as their gifts become stronger. It is unknown which causes the other as both tend to happen at almost the same time. As for the time, I wanted to be able to have a through coversation with you so that you could decide without the pressure of needing to be ready for your ride."
I sit there twiddling my thumbs of a few minutes and say "Okay Mr. Cooper. Is there anything else you feel like telling me about this offer of yours?"
He hmm's before answering "I think you will like our world. We do have a small staff of people specifically assigned to helping people hired from other dimensions to have successful transitions. I can send a small group of people in to pack your personal items and move them to your temporary housing. Your salary, including the value of your benifits package, after your first year roughly translates to $90,000 per year based on the value of your currency and the cost of living there. Here, your disability marks you as someone with special talents and not as someone worthy of pity. Social interactions are quite different here and I think you will fit in quite well. And once your gifts have been trained and your medical conditions addressed I suspect that you will be much happier and more stable than you are at present."
I breathe as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Okay, so what's the catch? Do I owe you my first born? Do I have to work for you for the next 50 years of my life? Do you get to dictate what I eat, where I live, who I socialize with? Do you use me for weird anal probes or something?"
There is a soft chuckle in his voice as he replies "Well, you will lose all contact with people in this dimension. Our window of opportunity here is quite short and it will be impossible for you to say goodbye to people personally. You will be asked to work for our company for a minimum of 5 years after you complete your training and apprenticeship periods which, combined, last for one year. You will be asked to sign a contract on your arrival which someone will read to you. If for some reason you choose to be returned to this location and time you will remember your time with us as a dream, if at all."
I hmm. "I have to admit. It sounds good. What the heck do I have to lose? Okay, give me ten minutes to eat and write a note on the computer and I think I'll be ready." I pause and then say "OH! Wait! Do you have yarn there?"
"Yes Miss. We do have yarn here. Very nice stuff as I've been told. You will be able to knit and do other fiber arts here."
I nearly squeal and say "Okay. I give me a few minutes and I'll be ready. Does travel by mirror hurt?"
"It is mostly disorienting but there is some physical discomfort as well."
"Okay, I can deal with that. I hope. Talk to you in five minutes or so."
"Of course. When you are ready to depart simply tell me that you are ready to go. I can give you about 10 minutes before this window of opportunity closes."
So that's it friends. I'm sitting here typing up my messed up morning for you all. I'm eating cold leftover pizza and drinking a cup of coffee before I leave to start my new life. Take care all. I wish you all the best. Who knows if this is a good decision but hey, I can't stay as I am forever. Bye.