Time for a photo update! I've got some pictures of random stuff, like the amazing colouring competition I persuaded my housemates to do Saturday night...
So, I went to work. It was pretty boring. We got some new sheets for a colouring competition...I took 20 home... and managed to convince the Elm House crew that it was a much better use of their time than boring stuff like revision! All entries were judged by Dave, with first place going to Sarah (prize of a big bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk) and joint 2nd and 3rd going to L.L Cool Dave and me, with Kinder Eggs as a prize. Sadly the toys were somewhat unusual... a transexual fox and a strange shark eating a snail.
Katie with her colourful entry!
Everyone with their entries!
From left: Karen at the back, Emmeline, Sarah, Alex, Rachel, Martin, Lucy, Dean, Josh's head, Louise, me!
Though Emmeline didn't win with her picture, she did make some very nice butterfly wings out of a cereal box
This is James.... we think he looks like a young Charles Heston out of Planet Of The Apes
(Charles Heston)
The winning entries! My Spacebear from Planet Of The Bears, L.L Cool Dave's Devil Bear and Sarah's AfroBear!
At this point the competition then became a drinking party.
Dean got his Didge out
Lily, Dean, and Dean's Didge
Scary basketball stylee Lily, with her James
Nice Lily!
Martin with his amazing knitted sock tie
Martin being beaten for causing a spillage of bin juice
The hilarious moment when Fran walked in and realised he'd stepped in the Bin juice
Sarah goes all Ninja on us with a knife. Andy remains calm and safe behind his hair.
Josh with his new shaved head
Martin with his nerd glasses...nearly as good as mine! Very drunk by this stage.
An old photo of when Martin's door was covered with faces before Easter
Alex and Louise admiring their handiwork
Fran, Louise, and Louise's giant camera
The other day Martin got his Starbug playset - for anyone unfamiliar with this, it's the spaceship the dudes from Red Dwarf flew around in - and here's some photos of the exciting moment when it arrived in the post:
Dave helps him undo all the fiddly bits (yep he shaved his hair off!)
Andy in his traditional pose
Inside the Starbug with all 4 figures of Rimmer and Co.
I think that's all I've got for now... will probably be low on updates for a while (well, just as low as usual) as I have two more exams coming up. Quite a few people have already finished all theirs and are frolicking down at the bar or the lake at all hours of the day, returning drunken scallywags, making me exceedingly jealous! lol
This morning I went to the library to renew a book as it was due back by 10.15am. I then went upstairs and did some research on the Parthenon and the Acropolis... and I was in there til Dave found me at 3pm. WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!? I do wonder how I manage it.
It's raining and cold today - think the sun's gone away for the week. Ordered mine and Dave's tickets for the O2 Wireless festival in June so hopefully my card worked and we can get those! Went to a good gig on Monday night, saw a guy called Liam Frost and his band the Slowdown Family - they had one of those little tiny guitars! Is it a mandolin? And the support act, Jeremy Warmesley, was pretty good. Both of them got down at the end of their set and played on an acoustic guitar on a stool and for Liam Frost, we all sat on the floor while he strummed a nice little song :D It was really cool and I was impressed! We listened to the free Jeremy Warmesley cd we got when we came home but I think I preferred it live - too many fiddly techno bits on the cd!
Am currently reading a book by Alice Walker called 'The Color Purple". Now, I've asked everyone if they've read it - which nobody has, but they've all heard of it for some reason. Anyone else want to add to this phenomenon?
Also we think the Bear Factory may be haunted like the rest of Chapelfield, because the hoover keeps switching on in the cupboard...even though it's not turned on and there are no plug sockets in the cupboard. Also the safe made a banging noise the other day when Lyndsey and Jon were there a while ago! But it was locked when they went up and looked!
Apparently the shopping centre is haunted because when they built it (anyone who came to visit may remember that there is a little church and graveyard that you walk through to get into one of the entrances to the Centre) there was a well just under the bit where Beaverbrooks the jewellers is now, and in the well were 12 skeletons, probably poor people who couldn't afford to be buried in the churchyard. One of the security ladies told us that on a number of occasions the staff have come in to the shop in the mornings to find all the jewellery on a partiular shelf swept to one side, as if someone intended to knock them off, but stopped just before the end. And you know jewellery stores are very high on security, and no-one did it before they left! Also the main doors to the centre, which are magnetically locked, have been known to suddenly swing open in the middle of the night. Been caught on camera and everything, Sue's seen the tape! Scaryness.
Anyway I'd better carry on with my reading now. Ciao!