WTF Series: The one where...the twins become monsters

Jun 03, 2012 10:43

Title: The one where...the twins become monsters 
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned, I do however own the plot
Summary: It's bath time. MPREG, AU

AN: This one is just a little short, I've noticed I've been posting every two days but seriously don't get too comfortable with it. I will get writer's block or get distracted, just a little heads up XD. So is anyone else totally unready for the zombie apocalypse? I have my plan in case electricity fails and we turn to ravaging tribes: watching Bear Grylls helped with that. But zombies not so much, I suppose they're the same thing, just that zombies include more killing. I know many of you don't know who Bear Grylls is but if you find a video online of him seriously watch it, every time he either gets naked, drinks his urine or pees on his clothes. It's pretty funny. Why am I talking about Bear Grylls? Um anyway enjoy this drabble?

Master post and general AN

The one where…the twins become monsters
Date: May 2009
Characters involved: Jin (24), Kazuya (23), Hayato (2), Ryu and Shuji (12 months)

“Jin get him quick!” Jin raced around the couch to catch Shuji who was running away squealing with laughter. Ryu was kicking and screaming, desperate to get out of his mother’s hold. It was bath time in the Akanishi household. Hayato was sitting on the couch watching the spectacle rather amusedly, guffawing as Jin tripped over the lamp stand and toppled onto the floor.

“Stupid papa!” Shuji laughed loudly at Jin. He was far too focused on laughing at Jin who had gotten himself tangled in the wires, he didn’t notice his mother until Kazuya scooped him up from behind. Instantly he began to scream and punch Kazuya’s legs with his tiny fists. Kazuya however kept a tight grip on the screaming toddler and managed to manoeuvre him so he wasn’t dangling upside down anymore. Ryu continued kicking and screaming, kicking Shuji in the process which instantly started a war between them when Shuji started kicking Ryu back. They were soon pawing at each other, Kazuya tried to stop them but he really had his hands full. Eventually Jin managed to release himself and went over to the three to pick up Shuji.

Jin and Kazuya regretted teaching the twins how to walk; when they learned to walk they learned to run away. Running away before bath time was now a common occurrence for the twins, when they got into the bath however they refused to come out. Neither could remember Hayato being that difficult: the worst thing he did was knock over a few plant pots, compared to Hayato these two were evil. No place was safe from the grasp of the little monsters. As soon as they learned to walk they could reach into high places and pull off ornaments, glasses, snap DVDs and games. Ryu even managed to get onto the windowsill in a bid to escape.

Both parents made their way to the bathroom however Ryu managed to kick Kazuya in the stomach, winded he dropped Ryu who instantly made a run for it. Shuji began shrieking wildly and Jin had to keep a tight grip on the squirming toddler. Kazuya was ready to cry. He was sore, he was tired and he was so sick of this. He watched as Ryu managed to squeeze behind the bookcase, Kazuya could almost see the thing toppling over as he tried to catch Ryu. Nevertheless Kazuya took a deep breath and started the hunt for his evil little monster.

Lol children are so evil XDDD
Again ideas are always welcome ^_^
Since this one is so short the next one will probably be tomorrow, but I may be going to the beach so perhaps Tuesday...
I hate the beach, it's always so dirty >___<
Lol anyway comments are loved ♥

p:akame, g:humour, l:drabble, r:safe, s:wtf

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