Title: The one where...Kazuya is in denial and The one where...Kazuya is a stalker
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned, I do however own the plot
Summary: A couple of drabbles of Akame's time in high school
AN: Notice how quickly Kame gets over his denial XD
The one where...Kazuya is in denial
Date: 16th January 2002
Characters involved: Jin (17), Kame (15), Yamapi (16), Koki (16)
“I don’t like him” Kazuya glared at Yamapi who simply smiled back innocently.
“Of course you don’t Kame-chan” Kazuya pouted at Yamapi and the older man laughed cheerfully. It was the ten minute break between classes so they didn’t have to worry about any teachers interrupting them. On the other side of Kazuya Koki was grinning widely at his best friend.
“I mean just because I find him attractive doesn’t mean I like him, I mean I find you two attractive and I’m not in love with you” Yamapi and Koki were nodding dutifully to every word Kazuya said as the youngest rambled on. A shout from the doorway caught their attention and there he was in all his glory. Akanishi Jin, a third year and their senior: also coincidentally Yamapi’s best friend. Yamapi beamed at Jin and bounced over to his best friend where the two babbled on about man-boobs and pink. Kazuya on the other hand blushed bright red when Jin came into view which caused Koki to poke him on the ribs playfully.
“Yeah but Kame-chan you don’t blush such a pretty colour when you see either of us” Kazuya swatted away Koki’s hand and glared at him, but it wasn’t very effective as Koki just giggled and started poking Kazuya wherever he could reach.
That was how they found them. There was Yamapi with the most handsome senior standing at Kazuya’s desk watching Koki and Kazuya fight like little girls. It would have been funny if Kazuya hadn’t found it so mortifying. They stopped when they noticed Jin and Yamapi, Kazuya sat down quietly and tried his hardest not to look at Jin.
“I hope you don’t mind me joining you” Yamapi sat down on a chair and Jin dragged another one to the table before also sitting down. Koki and Yamapi smirked at Kazuya who was gazing intently at his hands.
Throughout the break Jin rambled on and on about some American TV show that was supposedly so great because it had fast cars, explosions and hot American chicks with huge boobs. Kazuya pouted when he heard the older man go on and on about some hot girl with big boobs: it wasn’t his fault he didn’t have boobs! The bell rang and Jin pouted before reluctantly standing up.
“I’ll see you later Pi, bye Koki bye Kame-chan” Both Koki and Yamapi managed a nice proper goodbye, Kazuya on the other hand managed to squeak a goodbye. Jin looked at the younger boy in confusion before shrugging and leaving the classroom. Koki and Yamapi were grinning widely at Kazuya who was positively glowing.
“I don’t like him!” Kazuya hoped that if he said it with enough conviction the other two would believe him and leave him alone.
“Of course you don’t Kame-chan” Koki and Yamapi exchanged smiles before leaving the younger boy to stew in his non-love.
The one where...Kazuya is a stalker
Date: 14th February 2002
Characters involved: Jin (17), Kame (15), Koki (16)
Kazuya ducked behind the tree as Jin’s date turned around, each time she turned around he got closer to being seen. She started moving again and Kazuya followed, he had to make sure she didn’t turn up for her date with Jin. He signalled Koki who sighed before stepping out and bumping into the girl, spilling coffee all down her dress. Kazuya watched as he she shouted at Koki with satisfaction, he slipped past them and down the busy street to her meeting place with Jin. Everything was going smoothly.
He turned the corner and grinned brightly when he saw Jin but stopped in his tracks when he saw Jin with a girl from his class. Kazuya cursed: they got the wrong girl. He went back round the corner and stormed up to Koki.
“You idiot! You got the wrong girl!” Kazuya smacked the back of Koki’s head and pouted at the other. Koki grinned sheepishly and rubbed his head. The girl slapped Koki before walking away and Koki watched her whilst rubbing his now sore cheek. Kazuya then also slapped Koki before heading back to the café where Yamapi was waiting. Koki sighed: every time Kazuya had some sort of scheme he ended up getting hurt.
Poor Koki, so abused XD