Title: The one where...Hayato terrorises the neighbours
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned except for Saito-san, I do however own this plot
Summary: Hayato is incredibly clumsy. MPREG, AU
AN: I'm sorry it's been a while but I had a small incident which resulted in the loss of sight in my right eye for a few days, plus my eyesight in my left eye is already bad enough so I haven't exactly been able to see very well. But it is pretty much better now so here it is. I blame my giving up coffee, I mean if I had been drinking coffee for the past week I would have moved away in time so yeah...back to ten cups a day then...
The one where…Hayato terrorises the neighbours
Date: June/July 2013
Characters: Jin (29), Kazuya (27), Hayato (6), Ryu and Shuji (5), Yamapi (28), Keiko (26), Tatsuya (30), Ryo (28), Eri (4), Mari (2)
1. Saito-san’s window
Kazuya smiled at the woman with her child as he took the money. He thanked them and waved them goodbye as they left the restaurant. As soon as they were gone Jin snaked his arms around Kazuya’s waist and buried his face in the other’s neck. The restaurant was completely empty; business had been slow whilst the schools were on holiday. Customers would usually come to the restaurant after picking up or dropping off their kids at school so the ramen shop hadn’t had many customers. Ryu and Shuji were happily sitting at one of the tables drawing for a school assignment whilst Hayato was outside playing with some friends.
Kazuya stroked Jin’s hands and turned his head towards his husband to kiss him lovingly. They both sighed into the kiss; enjoying the blissful moment. Their moment was interrupted however by a loud crash followed by screaming. Kazuya groaned, instantly knowing who was in trouble. The old lady across the street who owned the bakery came storming through the door and was dragging Hayato in by the ear.
“You’re son broke my window!” Kazuya left the counter to try and pacify Saito-san whilst Jin went to the twins to keep them out of trouble.
“I’m really sorry Saito-san, I’ll make sure to pay the fee to have it fixed” Saito-san released Hayato and shoved him toward his mother who took him by the hand.
“There’s no need for that, my insurance will cover it but be sure that anymore of this and I’ll make sure your son gets a good hiding” Kazuya bowed repeatedly as the old woman left the shop. When she left he turned to Hayato.
“You! What did I tell you about playing out in the street? I told you it was dangerous, there may not be cars but there are other shops and stalls here Hayato” Kazuya bent down and pinched Hayato’s cheeks.
“I didn’t mean to” Hayato whined through his mother’s hands but Kazuya did not relent.
“I know you didn’t mean it but you still did it, I told you to play in the park or out back didn’t I?” Kazuya glared at Hayato who continued to whine.
“Alright that’s enough, come on Hayato we’ll go into the kitchen and wash your face then we’ll go outside and help Saito-san clean up” Jin came up from behind Kazuya and gently removed his wife’s hands. Hayato instantly began massaging his sore cheeks and pouted up at his mother. Nevertheless he took Jin’s hand and went into the kitchen; he hoped Saito-san would give him a cake for helping to clean up.
2. Ueda’s shop of wonders
Hayato watched wide eyed as his aunty put more ingredients into the cauldron. The cauldron instantly began to hiss and smoke rose up from its surface. Hayato’s mouth opened a little and Tatsuya smiled at the scene, really he was just making an air freshener but he did enjoy the look of wonder he got from the little boy. Jin, on the other hand looked at the scene warily: this whole shop was creepy. There were heavy curtains blocking out light so the shop was only lit by the hundreds of little candles littered around the place. It was also pretty smoky as the incense sticks burned in their holders. There were books about love spells and ways to get revenge, there was a collection of daggers (well Tatsuya called them athames but they looked pretty daggery to Jin) and various herbs and ingredients.
“Can I stir?” Jin bit his lip as Hayato jumped up and down eagerly, Tatsuya smiled and set up a stool for the little boy to stand on. Hayato eagerly climbed up the stool and took the long stick Tatsuya handed him. He reached forward and began mixing the heavenly scented liquid: it smelled like Christmas. Hayato lost his footing however and fell forward a little, he managed to catch himself but the cauldron had been pushed off of the table and onto the floor. He stared at the mess with shock and glanced up at Tatsuya who looked at the sight emotionlessly.
“I - ” Tatsuya held up his hand to silent Hayato who looked fearfully up at his father, who wasn’t much help because Jin was inwardly panicking: he didn’t want to be cursed.
“Come on let’s clean it up, you can help me with the next batch” Hayato perked up, he wasn’t used to not being scolded. He happily scrambled down off of the stool, in his haste however he tripped and would have fallen if not for Tatsuya’s fast reflexes. Tatsuya set Hayato down on the ground and raised an eyebrow at the boy.
“You should be more careful” Hayato nodded quickly but Tatsuya had already turned around and headed into the back to get a mop. There was another loud crash and Tatsuya’s eye twitched in annoyance. He came back onto the shop floor to see the candle shelf had fallen and both father and son looking at Tatsuya sheepishly, dozens of candles littering the floor by their feet. Tatsuya sighed; he had known this would happen.
3. Yamapi’s books
Hayato yawned and rubbed his eyes tiredly as he went into the living room, Yamapi was sitting by his desk reading a large book whilst Keiko was sitting on the couch watching TV. His parents were away to some spa for the weekend so Yamapi was babysitting them. Yamapi noticed Hayato and stood up from the desk to kneel down by the little boy.
“What are you doing up?” Hayato yawned and reached out his hands to Yamapi who instantly picked him up.
“Nightmare” Yamapi tightened his hold on the little boy and made his way to the couch, when he sat down Keiko began to stroke Hayato’s hair.
“Do you want me to make some warm milk?” Hayato yawned in response and Keiko smiled before getting up and heading off to the kitchen to make Hayato some warm milk.
“Studying always makes me feel asleep, do you want to read with me?” Hayato nodded, the motion tickled Yamapi as the boy had buried his face in the crook of Yamapi’s neck. Yamapi got up and sat at his desk, he shifted Hayato slightly so the boy was more comfortable. Keiko came out of the kitchen with a mug of warm milk and gave it to the small boy; she stroked Hayato’s hair and placed a kiss on the top of his head before heading back to the couch.
Yamapi began to read out of his textbook as Hayato sipped his cup; Keiko had managed to cool it down just enough for Hayato to drink. Hayato felt his eyes closing as he listened to his uncle reading, his grip on the cup loosened and it fell onto the table its contents spilling over Yamapi’s books. Newly awakened Hayato stared at the scene before looking up at his uncle. Yamapi stared blankly at the mess and Hayato’s eyes began to water, he hated getting into trouble and he knew that Yamapi paid a lot of money for those books. As Hayato began to cry Yamapi snapped out of his shock, he instantly began to comfort the boy and stood up and away from the desk so they wouldn’t get messy. Keiko came to them to see what happened.
“He dropped the milk” Keiko frowned but went into the kitchen to get a cloth; she came back in to clean up the mess whilst Yamapi tried to calm Hayato down.
“Hey, hey, shh I’m not mad Hayato” Hayato just shook his head and hid his face in Yamapi’s shoulder. Yamapi sat down on the couch and lifted Hayato face from his shoulder; he wiped away the tears and kissed the little boy’s forehead. Hayato eventually calmed down as Yamapi held him close and rubbed his back. Keiko also came to sit on the couch and helped to comfort the little boy. Hayato soon fell asleep, exhausted from crying and Yamapi sighed.
“How bad is it?” Keiko smiled sheepishly.
“Your books are pretty much ruined” Yamapi groaned, he’d make sure Bakanishi paid for his new books.
4. Ryo’s nose
Kazuya laughed as he watched Hayato kick the ball to Eri, he overshot a little and the little girl ran after it. Beside him Ryo was happily eating out of his bento whilst keeping a close eye on the twins and Mari, the twins didn’t often offer to play with anyone else so he was pretty suspicious. Tatsuya, on the other hand, was completely ignoring everyone and stretched out languidly under the parasol. The large object had completely blocked out the sun and according to Tatsuya, shielded him from the government’s satellites which were always watching them.
“Hayato be careful with the ball, we don’t want any more accidents” Hayato nodded and grinned widely at his mother before kicking the ball towards Eri again, this time more gently.
“Papa can I have ice cream?” Mari had come away from the twins and plopped herself down on her father’s lap. Ryo smiled at the little girl and nodded. He took orders from everyone before heading to the ice cream shop with Kazuya. With her father gone Mari decided to bother Tatsuya who was happily reading a book.
“Higher!” Hayato laughed and kicked the ball so it soared high into the air, Eri managed to catch it and she threw it back to the older boy. They did this a few times until Tatsuya called Eri over to put more sun cream on her face. Hayato continued to play with the ball, in the distance Ryo and Kame were coming back; their hands were laden with ice cream. Hayato kicked the ball and over shot by quite a way: the ball smashed into Ryo’s face who dropped the ice cream and fell back. Kazuya was at his side instantly, trying to help the other man up. Tatsuya watched the scene with interest before turning to the frozen boy who was watching the scene with wide eyes.
“Try a little lower and you’ll get him where it really hurts”
5. Saito-san’s cake stand
Hayato stuck out his tongue as he tracked the butterfly; he had been following it for the past few minutes and he was determined to catch it. He found his chance when the butterfly landed on a cake, carefully Hayato snuck up to his prey before pouncing. He tripped on his way however and fell straight into the cake stand, the stand collapsed under his weight and cakes started raining down on him. Saito-san came outside to see what the commotion was, she narrowed her eyes as she saw Hayato struggling to get the stand off of him. She lifted the metal stand and glared at the small boy, Hayato was covered in bits of cake and pastry. He looked up at her with wide eyes, the tears were already gathering as he got over his shock and the pain began to set in. Hayato had skinned his knees and he was covered in bruises from where the stand hit him. When Hayato began to cry the old woman sighed in sympathy and helped the little boy up.
Jin had come out of the restaurant to see what had happened, already knowing Hayato had done something, when he saw Hayato crying and covered in cake he groaned. Saito-san was a nice lady but she was so strict and scary and gave him such a piercing glare whenever Hayato broke something, which was all the time. He went over to Hayato and hugged him closely, hoping that Saito-san would feel so sympathetic that she would skip out on the scolding.
“Oi, what did I tell you about crying?” Rather than stopping this only made Hayato cry harder, it wasn’t his fault really. He was just so clumsy, and he always got into trouble and he hated disappointing his parents. Jin sighed and turned to Saito-san.
“I’m really sorry, I’ll come out and help clean this up after I clean Hayato” Saito-san sighed and shook her head before going back into her store. Jin lifted up Hayato and went back into his own shop; he rubbed the distraught boy’s back in an attempt to calm him down. He couldn’t wait for school to start again so Hayato would stop wrecking the neighbour’s stuff.
I love Tatsuya, he's totally nuts
And I adore Hayato, like seriously
I was planning on making him a real troublemaker but the twins have that covered
So he's just a victim of his clumsiness
So I'm running out of his ideas and if you have any feel free to share ♥