Title: The one where...Jin has no chance
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned
Summary: Kazuya leaves for the weekend to take care of his mother, Jin is left in charge: nothing good can come of this
AN: I have so many unfinished fics, it's pretty insane. Somehow I just can't bring myself to finish them >_<
The one where…Jin has no chance
Date: 2nd - 5th December 2010
Characters: Jin (26), Kazuya (24), Hayato (4), Ryu and Shuji (2)
Jin chewed his lip worriedly as he watched Kazuya hug the sniffling Hayato, the little boy was trying his hardest not to cry. Ryu and Shuji were clutching onto Kazuya’s legs, refusing to let their mother go. Sighing Kazuya bent down so he was at eye level with the twins, he detached them from his legs and took both of them into his arms.
“Don’t worry, mama will only be away for a few days and you can have lots of fun with papa whilst I’m gone” Both of the boys shook their head and Ryu buried his face into Kazuya’s shoulder, the man sighed and kissed the top of Ryu’s head. Shuji was gazing up at his mother with teary eyes, not understanding why he had to go. Jin was close to crying himself; he had never taken care of the kids alone before and he had to do so for four whole days. Well sort of. Kazuya beckoned Hayato towards him and the oldest child slotted himself into the space between Ryu and Shuji.
“Now listen to me all three of you, I’ll be back before dinner time on Sunday and until then you have to behave for your papa okay?” There were three reluctant nods and Kazuya smiled before kissing all three of the children. He then stood up and made his way to the biggest child of the lot.
“There is a sheet taped to the fridge with numbers on it, Ryo’s number is on it as well as my mother’s, there is also a list of emergency numbers and there is a timetable for dinner and bath time, and remember to give the twins their toddler milk during their meals. Don’t let Hayato into the cookie jar unless you want him bouncing against the walls, and don’t let Shuji trick you into buying sweets or cakes, and -” Jin stopped the rambling with a small peck on the lips.
“Relax Kazu, you’ve been through this all before” Kazuya grinned sheepishly at his husband before taking a deep breath and turning towards the car. His older brother was waiting patiently by the car door, he offered to take Kazuya to their parents’ house so Jin could use the car to take Hayato to school and run errands.
The four boys waved Kazuya goodbye as the car drove down the street, as he watched that car drive away Jin felt a sense of doom overcome him. Why did his mother-in-law have to fall down the stairs? It just wasn’t fair, Jin had never taken care of the children alone for more than a couple of hours and now he had to last four days. He turned to the three children and felt shivers run down his spine; the three were staring at him like they were lions and he was a gazelle.
Kazuya grinned when he heard the laughing inside; he managed to leave his mother’s a few hours early and was looking forward to surprising his family. He quietly opened the door and stepped inside; he put his luggage to the side and crept down the hall towards the living room. He peeked round the door and raised an eyebrow at the scene before him.
Jin was tied up, he had marker all over his face and kitty ears on his head. The twins were completely naked and Hayato was stripped down the waist, all three had drawn various sweets and cakes on their bodies and were circling Jin’s helpless form whilst chanting cake. Kazuya made his way back to the front door and quietly left the house; he would go to Tatsuya’s shop and wait until things had settled down before going back home.