Title: The one where...Jin learns not to get in Kame's way
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned except the owner dude.
Summary: Just a short drabble of the time Kame was pregnant with Hayato
AN: This was actually part of a larger fic but it amused me so much I decided to just post it now
The one where…Jin gets in Kame's way...and suffers the consequences
Date: June 2006
Characters involved: Jin (21), Yamapi (20)
Jin sighed as everyone stared at him as he walked past; he scowled and lowered his head. He should’ve let his mother put make up on it. When he got to the café he took a deep breath and opened the door, the bell rang to signal his arrival and Jin flinched when he noticed all attention on him. His boss turned around at the sound and his eyes widened upon the sight of Jin, or more specifically Jin’s face. Jin inwardly groaned; he could not be bothered with this, he was tired and sore and did not need his co-workers making his already horrible life worse.
“What the hell happened to you?” When Jin got to the counter his boss took a hold of his chin and lifted it to take a better look at the darkening bruise on his cheek. “I hope you gave as good as you got”
“Don’t tell me you got into a fight! Geez Bakanishi you can’t be left alone can you?” Yamapi left his customer to take a good look at the bruise.
“I wasn’t fighting” Although it was a mumble the two still heard it and raised an eyebrow at the other man. Yamapi poked to bruise which caused Jin to jerk away and hiss in pain, he glared at the laughing man.
“Don’t tell me Kame-chan beat you up” Yamapi continued laughing but stopped when he noticed Jin’s lack of answer. He guffawed and doubled over in laughter, tears came to his eyes and he couldn’t breathe but still Yamapi continued laughing.
“Kamenashi-kun would never do such a thing, he’s such a sweet boy” Jin’s boss looked at the two doubtfully. This was true, Kazuya was a sweetheart especially to Yamada-san but Kazuya was also pregnant and hormonal. Extreme anger plus baseball practise meant Jin had no chance.
“What the hell did you do?” Yamapi had finally sobered up and questioned the grumbling man.
“I refused to give him his stupid cookies and he threw the remote at me, why the hell does he have such a good pitch?” Yamada-san chuckled at his pouting employee whilst Yamapi started laughing again.
“Never deny a pregnant person their cravings Jin-kun” His boss patted Jin’s head before heading back into the kitchen but Yamapi draped himself over Jin who shrugged him off.
“I’m pretty impressed, Kame-chan hasn’t lost his touch” Jin pushed Yamapi’s face away and grumbled about baseball freaks and hormones. He should’ve knocked up someone with less harmful hobbies.
I'm sorry >__<
I will post a longer one
I've just been busy preparing for uni and I have writer's block >_<