Title: Tatsuya's ingenious plot to make more money
Series: An Otaku for You
Genre: Humour, Romance
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or any manga mentioned
Summary: Tatsuya has a wonderful idea to rake in the cash, Jin isn't too sure how he feels about it
AN: I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long, uni has been hectic. I mean really. I just started a few weeks ago and I have two presentations, three essays, multiple tests and random workbooks not to mention the preparation I have to do for group discussions. I'm lazy, I do not enjoy this amount of work. Not to worry about WTF, I'm working on multiple fics in that universe when I have time, I have the ideas it's just writing it up. Luckily I have managed to reschedule one of my classes so I have Tuesdays free now (should be a politician wtf XD) and I'll be working on my fics then so please be patient ^_^
For now do enjoy some cosplay goodness.
Sequel to:
An Otaku for You,
An Otaku for You 2 and
An Otaku for You 3 At least this one has a kind of original title XD
Haruno Sakura (Shippuden)
Jin sighed softly as he waited for the customer to get the money from out of his wallet, he tapped the desk impatiently and glared at the fumbling man. Eventually the nervous man handed over his money and Jin gave him the bag with the figurine as he fixed the man with a cold stare. He hated serving other people; they always wanted something. Jin sighed again, there was still hours to go until his shift finished and he couldn’t even waste the time with his pretty little boyfriend. Tatsuya had come into the store not long ago and dragged the younger man off into the backroom, and Jin really didn’t need to know what was going on in there. He yawned and laid his head on the counter, just wishing that he could go home.
“SHANNARO” A loud shout jerked Jin awake, he looked around the store with a confused look upon his face. Koki looked up from admiring the new Dragonball figurines and looked at Jin with a raised eyebrow. The door to the backroom slammed open and Tatsuya came out looking far too pleased with himself, Kazuya came following behind him.
Jin’s mouth fell open when he saw his lover, he couldn’t believe his eyes: Kamenashi Kazuya was dressed up as a girl. Complete with a pink wig and everything. He was pretty sure it was that chick from Naruto. Okay so it wasn’t the raciest thing Kazuya had ever worn (definitely not) but it was the first time the younger man had worn a costume outside of the bedroom. Jin came out from behind the counter to crowd around his lover and boss.
“What the hell?” Koki stood up and looked at Kazuya with a confused expression, Tatsuya was busy tweaking bits of the costume and dusting off imaginary dirt.
“This is my ingenious plan to make more money, girls love the Akame fanservice” Jin raised an eyebrow, Akame? “But the best way to attract customers is a cute girl in cosplay” Before Jin could point out the flaw in that plan Koki beat him to it.
“But Kame-chan isn’t a girl” Tatsuya tutted and stood up straight to being fixing Kazuya’s wig.
“But he’s as cute as one right Kame-chan?” Kazuya smiled brightly and nodded. Jin’s eye twitched when he saw this; Kazuya was just too easily manipulated.
“Wouldn’t it be better to have a girl do it though? I know plenty of cute girls who’d want to do this” Kazuya’s eyes flashed dangerously as those words slipped out of Jin’s mouth and the older man didn’t even realise it. Upon seeing this Tatsuya smirked and stepped away from the boy.
“But they cost money; Kame-chan here just wants to keep the costumes” Jin inwardly facepalmed, they could’ve really used the extra money since they were hoping to get a flat together.
“So JinJin, who exactly are these girls you know?” Kazuya’s voice was dangerously sweet and a shiver ran down Jin’s spine. He gazed wide eyed at his boyfriend before looking to Koki and Tatsuya for help. Koki just shrugged and backed away whilst Tatsuya smirked evilly, obviously enjoying this moment.
“I uh, you know just cousins and stuff” Jin backed away; he hoped to give himself a fighting chance and make a clear path for his escape. Kazuya stalked towards him and Jin audibly gulped.
“Oh?” Kazuya tilted his head; he would’ve looked so damn cute if it wasn’t for that slightly evil air surrounding him. He cracked his knuckles and launched forward. Jin squeaked before running away from the angry boy. Tatsuya and Koki watched the scene eagerly; it was always funny to see Jin get beaten up by Kazuya.
Sailor Moon
“In the name of the moon I will punish you” Jin watched the short skirt as it swayed, the fabric coming dangerously close to unveiling that beautiful ass he loved so much. Kazuya pouted when he noticed his boyfriend wasn’t paying attention. He smacked the older man’s head and glared at him.
“Ouch what was that for!?” Jin yelped and cradled his head in his arms.
“You’re not paying attention! Jin I need to get this right and you promised you’d help me!” Jin sighed as he watched Kazuya adopt a stance he was all too familiar with. Hands on hips and a glare upon his face. It wasn’t Jin’s fault, who wouldn’t be distracted when his incredibly attractive boyfriend was wearing some sort of school uniform with a very short skirt?
“Alright I’m sorry, would you just do me a favour please?” Jin looked up at Kazuya innocently; he tugged the boy closer and grinned at the curious look upon the other’s face.
“Are you wearing panties?” Kazuya instantly blushed and scowled at Jin, he smacked away the hands that were trying to check under his skirt.
“Shut up idiot” Jin grinned widely at the mumbled response; Kazuya was just too cute when he was embarrassed. He grabbed his lover by the hips and pulled him onto his lap; Kazuya straddled Jin and wrapped his arms around Jin’s neck. Jin’s gaze instantly went to the skirt which had ridden up enough to show the edge of pale pink panties, as if by magic Jin instantly hardened. Upon feeling this Kazuya scowled at his boyfriend who gave him a sheepish grin. Jin pulled Kazuya close and captured those lips with his own, reluctantly Kazuya answered the kiss and gave a soft moan as Jin’s hands slipped under the panties and massaged his buttocks.
“Okay Kame-chan I have the wig, BAKANISHI GET OFF MY MODEL!” The couple jumped and broke their kiss. Tatsuya was at the door holding a long blonde wig, glaring furiously at the couple as they looked at him like deer caught in the headlights.
Jin fidgeted excitedly as he waited for Kazuya to come out of the backroom, he didn’t particularly like anime or manga but he did love One Piece, and this week Kazuya was going to dress up as someone from that manga. Junno and Koki watched the older man curiously; neither of them had ever seen Jin so eager unless it had something to do with sex. He had set up camp outside the backroom door and had stayed there ever since he saw the One Piece logo on the package.
When Kazuya walked into the shop floor Jin was completely star struck, he grinned like a child on Christmas as Kazuya showed off his Nami costume.
“So how do I look?” Kazuya turned to Jin with a large grin, but that smile faltered when Jin wouldn’t answer. He raised an eyebrow at the stupid grin on his boyfriend’s face.
“I think he’s a fan of this one” Tatsuya smirked at Jin, knowing full well how much Jin loved One Piece.
“Can I have a picture with you?” Kazuya widened his eyes in surprise, not only at the request but at the shyness his lover showed him. Jin’s head was tilted forwards and he was looking up at Kazuya through his fringe, his cheeks were flushed and he looked incredibly adorable. When Kazuya nodded Jin grinned widely and rummaged through his pockets to get his phone, shoving the contraption into Koki’s hands and taking his place beside Kazuya. Tatsuya rolled his eyes as he watched Jin grin like a fool and fawn over Kazuya like all of those otaku fanboys Jin so loved to make fun of.
Jin raised an eyebrow and smiled amusedly at the scene before him. Kazuya was dressed up as Yankumi from Gokusen and was riling up a rather large queue outside the shop. Jin had to admit: the cosplay idea was pure genius and was reeling in a lot of customers. Although he was pretty sure it was just because Kazuya was so damn cute, especially dressed up as a geeky school teacher. The rest of them were wearing boys uniforms, styled in a way to make them look like delinquents.
Jin kind of enjoyed this, he could be cold to the customers and it would all be seen as part of the act. And if he slacked off and slept behind the count then all the better. Unfortunately his boss was a sadist and when he caught sight of Jin slacking off he made him take Kazuya’s place, only relenting and letting Jin change back into a delinquent when he realised the sulking man was scaring off customers.
Suzumiya Haruhi (Bunny girl)
Jin let out a huff, blowing a long strand of orange hair as result. He readjusted the costume, releasing the stupid thing from the crack of his ass and trying his hardest not to move around lest it should crawl back up there. He pulled it away from his crotch too; it has been rubbing against his humongous Jinjin and giving him a serious case of itchy balls. He was most definitely not getting paid enough for this crap. Kazuya was happily handing out flyers and taking pictures with random people, Jin didn’t understand how his boyfriend was so cheery when he was forced to wear such a humiliating costume. And Jin really didn’t like those perverts touching his precious Kazuya.
“C-can I have a p-picture?” Jin glanced sharply at the stuttering otaku who was wiping snot with one hand and holding a phone in the other. Jin groaned and clenched his teeth.
“Fine just don’t touch me” The otaku took the picture, slipping a hand down Jin’s back to grope his backside. Jin yelped and jumped away from the otaku; he towered over the other man and pulled back a fist to hit the pervert.
“Jin! We don’t hit customers; we give them flyers and take pictures” Kazuya held Jin’s arm back. Jin hadn’t even seen him coming (which was a surprise because usually Jin would notice everything his precious little geek did). He smiled sweetly at the grinning pervert, when he was assured Jin wouldn’t hit the man Kazuya leaned forward and handed him the flyer. Jin’s eye twitched when the otaku looked at Kazuya hungrily: only he was allowed to look at Kazuya in such a lewd fashion.
“Can I have a picture with you please?” Kazuya grinned widely and nodded his head; he took the phone from the otaku and handed it to Jin. Jin pouted as he watched his lover cuddle some stupid pervert. Jin took the picture and handed the phone to the pervert with a sour face; Kazuya smiled sweetly at the man and leaned up to whisper into his ear.
“If you touch my Jinjin again I’ll cut off your dick and staple it to your forehead” Kazuya grinned victoriously when he saw the colour drain from the man and bounded off to hug Jin’s arm. A group of girls squealed happily when they saw Kazuya pulled down a now very happy Jin for a long kiss.
I love this universe so much, I mean otaku Kame is just too adorable
And seeing him go from a totally awkward geek into a confident, kinky little sex addict is awesome XD