WTF Series: The one where...Jin tries DIY

Oct 28, 2012 21:39

Title: The one where...Jin tries DIY
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned
Summary: The twins' bunkbeds come and Jin insists on being the one to build them up, nothing good can come of this

AN: Lol this time you won't have to wait for ages XD

The one where…Jin tries his hand at DIY
Date: 3rd January 2013
Characters: Jin (28), Kame (26), Hayato (6), Ryu and Shuji (4), Yamapi (27)

Jin happily placed the bowl of ramen onto the counter and smiled at his customer who thanked him, he really loved this place. He turned back around to make sure the noodles weren’t burning but stopped when he caught sight of Kazuya coming down the stairs with a small booklet in his hands. Kazuya smiled when he saw his husband and once he reached the counter he leaned over to give the other a small kiss. Once they pulled apart Kazuya handed Jin the booklet, the other man stared at the object in confusion and noticing this Kazuya rolled his eyes.

“The bunkbeds came today, that’s the instruction manual” Jin scrunched up his face, of course the bunkbeds came today. He remembered promising to build them up, in fact he pretty much demanded to be the one to build them but now he just couldn’t be bothered. He nodded however, not wanting to anger his beloved wife whose punch was like a missile. Satisfied Kazuya blew a kiss at Jin, snatched the booklet back and sauntered back upstairs, Jin watched him go and paid special attention to the swaying buttocks, then blew a stray hair out of face. Today was just such a troublesome day.

Soon enough Jin finished up in the restaurant and headed upstairs to spend time with his family before they all went to bed; he’d take a look at the box and then get started on it tomorrow since the restaurant was closed on a Sunday. Night time was always a flurry of activity in the Akanishi household, Ryu and Shuji were real devils and refused to go for a bath whilst Hayato had no doubt obtained some sort of injury that needed taking care of. Jin didn’t know how he ended up with such strange children.

Mornings weren’t much better either, Hayato slept like the dead and the twins were always hovering around Kazuya, making their mother spill the tea or drop some rice. It was about lunch time before things had settled down, and that was only because Jin’s mother took the kids out to the park. And so instead of spending their precious alone time snuggling or having some romantic time together they had to build a stupid bed.

“Okay so the manual says that you have to join this part to this part with the A screws and -” Jin shushed his wife before smirking smugly at the other; Kazuya just raised an eyebrow at Jin.

“Don’t worry sweetheart we don’t need to manual, I can work it all out with this” Jin tapped his head and sent Kazuya a smug look, instead of being impressed however Kazuya just snorted.

“With empty space?” Jin pouted and glared at Kazuya who just sent him a cheeky smile; the younger of the two stood up and stretched his back. “I’m going to make some tea, we can work out what to do whilst we have some” Jin hummed in agreement but Kazuya had already made his way out of the boys’ room and into the kitchen.

Jin moved from the floor to Hayato’s bed, he winced when he noticed how small it was: it looked like Hayato needed a new bed too. He wondered if he could get the twins to sleep in one bunk whilst Hayato slept in the other, but he knew Kazuya would object to that. It wasn’t that they were poor exactly but they didn’t have much disposable income either, they still had to pay off the loan on the building and most of the money they made went into the restaurant’s upkeep. Kazuya came into the room whilst Jin was frowning at the bed and raised an eyebrow at the strange behaviour. He set the tea down onto the dresser and sat down beside Jin.

“What’s up?” Jin sighed before answering.

“Hayato will need a new bed too, he’s getting too big for this one” Kazuya hummed in agreement and rested his head on Jin’s shoulder.

“We can get him a new bed for his birthday, maybe a race car bed or something” Jin’s eyes immediately lit up, what kind of boy wouldn’t want a race car bed? He wanted a race car bed, and if Hayato got a race car bed then Jin could play on the race car bed. “Perhaps we can even welcome it into the family” Jin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, but his spirit was dampened when he noticed Kazuya’s blank, unamused face. Without even having to say so Jin knew Kazuya was having none of it. He sighed and changed the subject.

“Now then let’s think about how we’re building this”

It didn’t take long for them to work out a plan; they would’ve been quicker if Jin hadn’t made it his mission to grope Kazuya at any given moment. Building up the bunkbed turned out to be a lot harder than originally thought, not for Kazuya of course because he had more than two brain cells. But Jin was convinced it would at most an hour to build up the bed. Three hours later and half of one bed done the couple were irritating each other more and more.

Jin’s mother brought back the children at around dinner time which meant Kazuya had to take care of them and leave all the work to Jin. Which was a very stupid idea. So far the injuries Jin had sustained weren’t too bad, Kazuya was there to make sure he didn’t hammer a nail through his hand or stand on one of the numerous spiky objects that littered the floor of the bedroom. But now that he was alone he was far more accident prone.

Kazuya and the three children stood by the door and watched as Jin tried his hardest to make two pieces fit together. Kazuya sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing that there was no way the bed would be finished by bed time.

“Okay you three will be sleeping with me tonight” The three children cheered happily and Kazuya could already feel the sleepless night ahead. “Jin, you’re sleeping in Hayato’s bed” Jin made to protest but one look from Kazuya shut the older man up.

“Yes dear” Kazuya sniffed affectedly then ushered the three children away from the door and into the bathroom for their bath. Jin pouted at the long piece of wood whose function he still hadn’t figured out. He grabbed a nail and positioned it on the mark then brought the hammer down upon it.


“What happened to you?” Yamapi made himself comfortable on the counter and watched as Jin struggled to lift the lid off of the pot of simmering noodles. A large bandage covered the man’s left hand with a cast on his thumb. Jin sighed dramatically before answering.

“Someone broke into the restaurant last night and I had to fend him off with just a frying pan, luckily I managed to apprehend the thief and kept him tied up as the police got here, unfortunately I broke my thumb in the process” Jin finished his story with an air of theatre and tension but Yamapi wasn’t buying it, he looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow then turned his attention to Kazuya who was making his way downstairs.

“So how did it really happen?” Kazuya smirked at Yamapi and ignored the squawking Jin who was trying his hardest to shut his wife up. Kazuya walked round the counter and lifted the pot’s lid before telling Yamapi.

“He hammered his thumb whilst trying to build up the bunkbeds” Yamapi erupted into laughter and Kazuya smiled at the reaction. Truthfully that night was pretty scary; he had to calm down not only Jin but the children too. He was just glad all Jin did was break his thumb. Jin pouted and mumbled for the two of them to shut up.

“How long did it take for you to fix the bed?” Kazuya smirked at this; he had to admit that even he was surprised at how quickly it took not only for him to fix Jin’s mistakes, but to also build the entire bed up.

“Two hours, including a tea break” Kazuya sent a mocking smirk Jin’s way which sent the older man into a huff. Kazuya laughed then pressed a small, sweet kiss on Jin’s lips.

“I’m just glad you’re okay” Jin grinned goofily and nodded, Yamapi pretended to retch but the couple didn’t really care. Kazuya kissed Jin again, this time gently stroking the injured thumb. Even though Jin was clumsy and awful at DIY the older man always wanted to keep trying and insisted on doing things like building up the beds, or constructing the kids’ toys. Although it always meant more work for Kazuya because he undoubtedly had to fix whatever Jin did, it was one of the many reasons Kazuya loved Jin more and more each day.
Poor Jin, he has such a tough life
He breaks his thumb and gets made fun of
Please take a moment to feel sorry for Bakanishi

g:fluff, p:akame, g:humour, l:one shot, r:safe, s:wtf

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