Title: The one where...the anti-Christ is conceived
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone owned
Summary: Jin is horny. There's a storm outside. The Akame couple are doomed to suffer for the rest of their lives. MPREG, AU.
AN: I just had to post this, it makes me laugh so much. It probably won't make many people laugh but I don't care, it's funny to me XDDD
The one where…the anti-Christ is conceived
Date: July 2007 - 16th April 2008
Characters: Jin (23), Kame (21-22), Hayato (20mths), Ryu and Shuji (nb), Yamapi (22-23), Keiko (20-21)
Lightning flashed outside and lit up the room whilst thunder rumbled in the distance. Kazuya felt a hand sneaking up his thigh and he sighed in exasperation. Of course Jin couldn’t go a day without having sex. He felt Jin hesitantly kiss the back of his neck and slide his hand from Kazuya’s thigh to his stomach and smiled. Even horny Jin was hesitant to annoy him. Kazuya turned around and placed a hand on Jin’s cheek to pull the other closer and capture his lips. More lightning filled the room and bathed them in light for a few seconds before the darkness engulfed them once more.
“You know if we have sex it’d be like a scene from a horror movie” Jin mumbled into Kazuya’s neck as he nipped and bit it lightly. Kazuya chuckled and threaded his hand through Jin’s hair.
“If I get pregnant and end up giving birth to the anti-Christ you’re the one dealing with it” Jin grinned and pulled away.
“Roger” Jin rolled on top of Kazuya and kissed the giggling man as another flash of lightning lit up their forms and thunder drowned them out.
9 months later
“Ah they’re so cute” Kazuya smiled tiredly and watched as Keiko cooed the tiny little Ryu in her arms. He was propped up against a couple of pillows and Hayato was snuggling up to him. Although he was tired and sore he was glad to have visitors. Yamapi was sitting on the bed with Shuji safely tucked into his arms.
“They’re little devils, if you pick up one you have to pick up the other” Keiko laughed softly and stared into Ryu’s little pudgy face. She doubted such cute little babies could be that troublesome.
Lmfao, it's just so fitting
I know it's short but I'll post another soon, probably this week ;)