Title: The one where...Four kids is too much
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour, romance
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned
Summary: After some morning sickness Akame fear Kazuya may be pregnant
AN: This isn't my best but I have food poisoning (not my own fault this time though!) and can't spend that long on the computer lest I puke on it. I wouldn't want Audrey to be puked on. So uh yeah enjoy.
The one where…Four kids is too much
Date: November 2016
Characters: Jin (32), Kazuya (30), Hayato (10), Ryu and Shuji (8), Yamapi (31)
Kazuya wiped his mouth and closed his eyes as he waited for the nausea to pass. He had been throwing up god knows what for the past fifteen minutes and he was not amused. His stomach seemed to have calmed down and he was pretty sure the sickness had passed. The sound of the door creaking open caught his attention and turned around to see Jin poking his head through the door, a worried frown upon his face.
“You okay?” Kazuya sighed and nodded slightly, he closed his eyes when that seemed to make the nausea worse. “I’ll make some tea” Jin disappeared out of the bathroom and Kazuya could hear him make his way to the kitchen.
No one else was up: it was barely past five in the morning so it was no surprise really. He flushed the toilet and slowly pulled himself up, he almost cried with relief when he didn’t begin puking again. He brushed his teeth, careful not to make himself gag, then ran a hand through his messy hair before leaving the bathroom and making his way down the hallway and into the kitchen. Jin was by the kettle, humming to himself quietly and wiggling his hips slightly. Kazuya smiled and leaned against the counter as he watched Jin make the tea. Once the tea was ready Jin poured it into their cups and kissed Kazuya’s forehead gently as he handed to the cup to the younger man.
“Maybe you should go to the doctor; you’ve been like this for days” Kazuya pursed his lips and drank the tea to avoid Jin’s worried gaze but the older man persevered. “This isn’t a normal cold, it could be the flu or something serious or maybe” Jin broke off and his eyes widened. Kazuya raised an eyebrow at his husband’s reaction and waited for the next part of the sentence.
“Kazu, what if you’re pregnant?” Kazuya’s eyes widened and he spat out his tea. He stared at Jin with disbelief and opened his mouth in shock. He didn’t know what to say, there was no way he could be pregnant. But it would explain the sickness he was experiencing, and he had been pretty moody and tired lately. Kazuya bit his lip as he worried about whether or not he was pregnant.
“I-I dunno Jin, what if I am?” Kazuya looked up at his husband with wide eyes; Jin set down his tea and pulled Kazuya close to him.
“Whatever happens we’ll be able to make it, we’ve made it so far” Kazuya let out a shuddering breath as he thought about how difficult it would be if he were pregnant. He didn’t want to be pregnant again. It was uncomfortable and irritating and he had enough stretch marks from the last two pregnancies. Not to mention the financial difficulties. They could barely afford the kids they had never mind another one, and the three of them were sharing a bedroom. Making four of them share was a little too much.
“Kazuya” Jin’s voice broke Kazuya’s train of thought and he looked up at his husband worriedly. “We’ll get through this; I don’t want you to worry about this until we know for sure okay?” Kazuya sighed and nodded his head. Jin was right; there was no point in worrying about having another baby until they knew for sure. It may just be the flu or some bug that was going around anyway.
Soon enough both men were too busy to give the sickness much thought, it was always in the back of their minds however, and more than once Kazuya found himself zoning out and daydreaming about another little baby that tipped their financial instability over the edge. After taking the boys to school Kazuya set up an appointment with the doctor for the following day.
Kazuya wasn’t the only one worrying about the possibility of a new baby; Jin had been spilling stock, letting the noodles slip and cutting himself all day. Although he had said they could handle it Jin was pretty sure they couldn’t. The house had been built for a family of four at the most so having the five of them here was a tight squeeze, and having a sixth member would make it impossible to move around. They’d have to move, maybe even give up the restaurant and Jin would have to go back to that awful job he had before Hayato was born. He couldn’t stand doing that again.
Both men had been quiet all day and even the children picked up on the tense atmosphere. Although the Akanishi kids weren’t stupid their parents didn’t feel the need to worry them unnecessarily and so when Shuji asked what was going on Kazuya just told him Jin was being stupid. Which he bought without question. Neither of them could sleep that night and so they each simply lay in bed mulling over every little detail and trying to figure out a way to support four kids.
“I suppose there’s always abortion” They had been laying in silence for so long that Jin was surprised when Kazuya spoke. He frowned at the younger man who was chewing his lip nervously.
“If we could handle Hayato, we can handle this” Jin turned on his side and propped his head up with his arm. Kazuya sighed and looked up at the older man fearfully.
“We can’t handle four kids Jin, we can barely manage three” Jin reached over to peck Kazuya’s forehead; he rested his hand on the other’s stomach and stroked it gently.
“We’ll manage love, we always do” Jin grinned lovingly at his wife who smiled nervously back. It was true: they always managed to keep their heads above the water, and the kids were older now so they could help out. Although it would be cramped they could always get another set of bunkbeds for Hayato and the new baby.
“I do miss when they were babies” Kazuya looked down at his stomach with a smile. Sure it would be difficult but they always managed to pull through. Jin pulled Kazuya into his embrace and soon enough the two dropped off to sleep.
When morning came Kazuya felt his stomach flip as the nerves came rushing back, not that he had much time to dwell on any thoughts about babies. After the usual morning rush and hurried goodbye kisses Kazuya had to get the kids to school before making his way to the doctor’s office. The waiting room was full of pregnant people and this made him a little more nervous, but at the same time the thought of having another baby wasn’t that bad. Hayato and the twins had grown up so well, and although they were still children they wouldn’t be for long. His thoughts were interrupted when the nurse called his name; he took a deep breath before making his way into the doctor’s office.
Jin yelped as the third glass of the day slipped out of his hand and smashed into pieces on the floor, Yamapi sighed and made his way around the counter to help his friend pick up the shattered pieces.
“You have to stop thinking about this baby stuff and just calm down until Kazuya gets here” Jin groaned. He knew all of this, but that didn’t stop him from spacing out and inwardly freaking out about babies.
“You don’t understand Pi, we already have three kids, three wonderfully loving and sweet kids, having a fourth would just be too much” Yamapi put the glass pieces in a plastic tub before putting them into the bin. He turned around and clapped the older man’s shoulder.
“Just think about it this way, you’ll have four wonderfully loving and sweet kids” Jin gave Yamapi a weak smile, but it didn’t ease the nausea. Noticing this Yamapi groaned and pulled himself up onto the counter.
“Okay, so you’ll have four kids, so what? Hayato is already ten and the twins are growing up too, they won’t be children for much longer but if you have another kid then you’ll have another squishy little cutie pie to spoil” Jin ran a hand through his hair and pondered this.
He supposed it wouldn’t be too bad, the kids were getting older and it would be nice to have another baby. Plus Kazuya looked so pretty when he was pregnant, and the pregnancy sex was awesome. He began to remember how nice it was when Kazuya was pregnant, or how cute the kids were as babies. Although it was difficult those times were amazing and having another baby would mean they could do it all again. And this time Hayato and the twins were old enough to see how amazing the miracle of life is.
Noticing Jin was off in his own world Yamapi just shook his head in amusement and went back to clearing the tables. Both men stopped when they noticed Kazuya coming through the door with a blank expression. Jin rushed to his wife’s side and led him to a chair. A large grin blossomed on Kazuya’s face as he gazed up at Jin. Jin waited nervously for the verdict.
“I’m not pregnant” Jin stared at Kazuya in shock. It took a few moments for the news to sink in but when it did Jin let out a large grin.
“YES!” Kazuya jumped up from his chair and threw his arms around Jin’s neck, they kissed each other passionately and Yamapi was just grateful the restaurant was empty.
“We’re free!” Jin swung Kazuya around and kissed him feverishly.
“We’re having celebration sex right now” Kazuya nodded and continued kissing Jin. Yamapi was just trying his hardest not to watch.
“I bought a new packet of extra safe condoms” Jin hoisted Kazuya up and Kazuya wrapped his legs around Jin’s waist.
“I love you so much right now” Jin crushed Kazuya’s lips with his own and took them, rather unsteadily, up the stairs. Yamapi just groaned and closed the restaurant, he knew those two wouldn’t come down for a while yet. It was just typical of them to celebrate not getting pregnant with sex.
Oh yeah Yamapi is a doctor at this point but he's just helping Jin out
Coz he's such an awesome friend and everything
I've decided that there'll be just a couple more entries in this time frame
And after that I'll be writing about the kids as teenagers
Which is always fun
Because Hayato tries to be badass when he just isn't XD