Title: Special Member Ai
Pairing: There's a little bit of Kameda, well not really little XD
Rating: Safe
Warning: Rushed and not looked over lol
Genre: Crack? Humour?
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people mentioned.
Summary: Yamapi was sick of Koyama insisting on enforcing member ai on KAT-TUN
AN: Because Ueda is not an uke. And I'm sick of people writing him as such.
Yamapi was tired. Not only was Ryo being extra snappy today (Shige was probably studying all night again) but now Koyama was getting on his nerves. Constantly going on about member ai, and messing around with Ryo and Shige wasn’t enough because now he was going after KAT-TUN. With Jin leaving Koyama felt the group needed a little extra love and now he was barging into their dressing room and handing out all sort of things. It was the fifth time that week Yamapi was called into the dressing room to extract the annoying termite.
No matter how many times he tried to convince the other, Koyama just didn’t believe that KAT-TUN had enough member ai. Just because they weren’t humping on stage like Arashi doesn’t mean they don’t have member ai. But tell that to an overzealous, interfering and stubborn idiot like Koyama.
And now he had to comfort a traumatised Koyama who had obviously walked in on KAT-TUN’s special member ai. He remembered the time that he walked in on their ‘bonding’ looking for Jin. He had nightmares for weeks after that, and sometimes he still wakes up in a cold sweat.
“Maa maa, now we can’t say that Ueda is uke right?” Koyama gave a strangled noise and buried his head in his hands. Yamapi only patted him sympathetically, looks like they had to hire a psychologist again.
Koyama was strolling along the corridor, carrying a basket of muffins for KAT-TUN. He was determined to make the band love each other. Now that Akanishi-kun was gone the band had to work even harder to create member ai between them. There were noises from the closed door, he smiled. His smile dropped as he heard a crash and Ueda-kun’s voice rising.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you have any idea how risky that was?” Koyama’s eyes widened, oh no if Ueda-kun was angry then there will surely be fighting.
“T-Tat-chan I -” That was Kame’s voice. Koyama was sure those two were getting along now, or was it all a lie? As he thought his mission to spread member ai was an important and crucial one.
“You dare call me that? Ne Kame~ I don’t like it when people disobey me okay? You were just lucky I was there to save your ass” His voice was dangerously quiet and sickly sweet. Koyama felt himself shudder at the sound.
“Y-yes Ueda-sama, I’m sorry for going against you” Ueda-sama? Koyama was confused, surely it wasn’t correct to call your band mate by such formal terms.
Suddenly Kame broke out into a loud groan, no they couldn’t be fighting! Forgetting the consequences Koyama slammed the door open but froze completely as he saw what was happening. The basket dropped, spilling its contents all over the floor. The two men didn’t seem to notice the intruder and Koyama could only stare at the scene. Suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder and he was yanked out of the dressing room.
“I told you not to go near them didn’t I? Now look at what happened” Yamapi was watching him in worry. It wouldn’t be the first time KAT-TUN had scarred one of his band mates after all.
“Vibrator” Koyama could only let out that word, over and over again as Yamapi sighed and guided him to their own dressing room. Ueda should know better than to leave the door unlocked.
Lol he's like the only KAT-TUN member who is seme all the time
He's too much of a sadist~
So yeah comment? Pwease?