Oh Jin

Apr 14, 2011 08:59

Title: Oh Jin
Pairing: Akame...sort of...
Genre: Crack
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned
Summary: Kazuya thought he found the perfect dog, but there were a few complications...

AN: This is all thanks to  aterjsa who gave me the idea, so yeah thank her for this ^_^

When Kazuya got a dog he wanted a dog that was fun and outgoing and loving. He scoured the pet shops and kennels until he finally found the perfect one. A one year old black Labrador called Jin. He was perfect. The dog’s previous owner died in some sort of freak accident and so Jin had been in the kennel since he was 8 months old.

Feeling sorry for the young dog Kazuya decided to adopt him. He figured that it would take a while for Jin to become used to his new surroundings but the dog settled in quickly. Jin sniffed around the house for a bit before lying down at Kazuya’s feet and going to sleep.

He was perfect, he really was. Not only was he obedient with Kazuya but the young dog was also fantastic with children and other animals. Kazuya was worried in case Jin would have dominance issues and snap at his niece but Jin simply lay down and let the little girl crawl all over him.

However there were a few problems. It started when Kazuya took Jin to the shop, his employee Koki immediately squealed and started to lavish Jin with attention. This was fine. It was when Koki tried to give Kazuya a hug that it became a problem. Immediately Jin jumped up on the wannabe rapper and pushed him away from Kazuya, as both of the humans were dumbfounded Jin took the chance to urinate on Koki.

Now whenever Jin saw Koki he would make sure the man couldn’t go near Kazuya, or any other man for that matter. Jin was fine with women though; in fact he would often lift up a woman’s skirt and sniff her behind.

With Jin around no men would come near Kazuya, and really it was annoying him. Somehow the dog must have sensed he was gay or something because even if Kazuya locked the dog in a room when male company was over Jin always managed to get out. Kazuya still didn’t have any idea how he did it but the dog was stubborn and possessive of Kazuya.

Even though it was annoying Kazuya could handle it. Jin was just a little wary of others because his owner died so he wanted Kazuya to be safe. What Kazuya couldn’t handle was waking up in the middle of the night with a fully grown dog humping him. And that’s when he decided: Jin was getting neutered.

Lmfao poor Jin XDDDDD
As always comments are ♥

s:oh jin, p:akame, l:drabble, g:crack, r:safe

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