Title: Drabble Batch 3
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Crack
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone mentioned
Summary: Another batch of drabbles ^_^
AN: Because I have writer's block >___< Once more I asked my friends to give me random words, sigh they're so emo...I managed to salvage a few happy ones though XDDDD I almost got all of them under 50 words! Just one drabble was 56 words >_< But it was close enough right? *pouts*
Being in a relationship was like being in a war. Think fast, have good reflexes and try not to panic. Jin made sure to put all of this into practise when Kazuya heard about him and some foreign girl. Honestly the man was like a banshee.
Being in love was hard. Never knowing for sure what the other thought about you and being too shy to ask. Luckily Jin was blunt enough to tell Kazuya his true feelings whether he liked it or not.
Kazuya was vain. Seriously vain. The younger man would spend hours in front of a mirror putting on creams and hair products and fixing bits that looked just fine to Jin. Jin didn’t have that much of a problem with it. The last time he complained Kazuya withheld sex for a month. And it was hell.
So their relationship lacked romance. Kazuya didn’t have time to labour over a hot stove and prepare a loving dinner whilst Jin just didn’t care about romance. But they always managed to incorporate a little romance anyway. Jin bought fluffy pink handcuffs.
Food, glorious food. Jin loved food. Especially Italian food. No especially burgers. Hm no maybe chicken. There were just too many to choose from. Although he didn’t like curry. Especially the curry Kazuya spent hours making for that Tegoshi brat.
Ah drabbles always help with writer's block ^_~
But seriously I'm so stuck >___<
Any ideas? XD
As always I bathe in the comments ^_~