Title: Drabble Batch 6
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Various
Rating: Pg-13 overall
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people mentioned nor am I making money from this...I make the money from the Akame porn I record ;D
AN: Urgh I'm sorry drabbles are all I can churn out, I'm basically running on empty...why is there such a thing as pregnancy? It's such an evil curse that should be stamped out! >_< Wtf babies should be grown like plants lmfao
There was nothing Kazuya liked more than a nice glass of wine at the end of a long day. And there was nothing Jin liked more than a drunk and horny Kazuya when he came home from work.
Jin loved Italian food. That was no secret. Although Kazuya was an excellent cook he just couldn’t cook Italian food. But Jin didn’t mind, because in return for cooking dinner Kazuya would give him a treat~
Life was a game. One minute you would be winning and the next you would be sent crashing back to reality. Like right now. Jin’s red car was way out in front and even Kazuya’s seduction wasn’t working. Looks like it would be another night of bottoming.
Jin didn’t understand what was so special about museums or art galleries. He didn’t care about who painted what or whatever happened on some random date. But he didn’t mind because whenever Kazuya went to a museum his face lit up and he would zip around the place like a child. And there was nothing more beautiful than an excited Kazuya. Or Kazuya in general.
Life was complicated. Relationships were complicated. Jin was more than complicated. One day he would lavish Kazuya in love and affection, and the next...well Jin was a complicated man and Kazuya knew that. He just wished the older man would make up his mind.
Everyone knew Kazuya was lithe. So flexible and graceful, his form was of absolute beauty. Jin loved having such a supple boyfriend: Kazuya could bend his body in so many positions that Jin could cum just by looking at him.
Everybody thought Jin was stupid. Kazuya couldn’t deny that the man was slightly air headed but he couldn’t say Jin was stupid. Not when he was hunched over an English textbook with huge glasses on. Annoying, yes. Unbearably stubborn, sure. But dumb? Not a chance.
Dreams could change. Jin’s did. Jin’s dreams changed a lot, though they were always centred on the same things. First Jin wanted to make it big with KAT-TUN and then he wanted to make it big solo. When Jin met Kazuya for the first time he dreamed they would be friends forever but now he didn’t want to be friends with the singer. Now Jin wants to be in love and be loved by Kazuya forever.
Kazuya was a romantic. He liked walks on the beach or cuddling by the fireplace. And he especially liked romantic sex. Of course it was hard to be romantic when his boyfriend spent his free days sitting on the couch, with a beer in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other, and watching some football match between Italy and France. It was such a pain having an unromantic boyfriend.
Jin liked to roleplay. He liked making Kazuya dress up in random fetish costumes so they could play their games. Jin especially liked Kazu-nyan~. Because Kazu-nyan~ looked amazingly sexy in his thong and cat ear ensemble. And when Kazu-nyan~ crawled up the bed to lick Jin’s cock, Jin really really loved Kazu-nyan~
I found icons I made when KAT-TUN released Change Ur World
And was like high on so much coffee
But lj won't let me upload them T_T
Why is lj so evil? ¬_¬
Lol anyway comments cheer me up? XD