Title: MIINAH (Pretty Woman Revisited) P. 3
Authors: wonsu_garkyub and bl4ckm4lice
Characters: Kyuhyun, Donghae, Siwon, Kangin
Pairings: KyuHae friendship; WonKyu romantic
Rating: PG-13; rating could progress as the story goes along
Summary: Orphan Kyuhyun thought that he only needed to come up with money for his last term in school plus the graduation
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Comments 13
Thanks alot MR.COOL but lonely *slap* Choi siwonim hahahaha
So, love at the first sight huh? XD
Its gettin more intresting!!
I'm curious what's will happen in the day of an personal assistan fufufu
I guess you've made a right desicion, kyu...
Thx for updating, really expecting for the next awesome part xD
And seriously what are doin with baby Hae? Entertainer of old ladies? You should give him his Hyukkie! XD
and i hope you guys can update the next chapter tomorrow tooooo <3 can't wait to see assistant!kyu on siwon working desk kkk
“No. Please don’t continue in that job!” he said inwardly and hurriedly rushed out of the dining hall.
He knows everything...and for once, he was being selfish, but for the sake of someone else's safety...
for how could he let his wud-be-lover continue that God-forsaken job? The idea is so sweet! ^____^
And the change to Kangin as a friend seems like a fresh view of taking things in! It's nice to see
Somehow, I like a hooker Kyu...but more than that, I love PA Kyu!! That way, he belongs only to Siwon!
And forever loving this line: " It was because he was not interested in women. "
Great job to both of you dearest duo!! I can face the hardships with confidence and love now!
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