Title: When Siwon Heard the News Author: wonsugarkyu-b Pairing: WonKyu Rating: PG Summary: Kyuhyun tweeted about something that happened to him in Spain and all their fans felt helpless, but how did Siwon react when he heard about it? ( Siwon! Something happened to Kyuhyun in Spain! )
Author: wonsugarkyu-b Characters: Kyuhyun, Siwon, Seohyun Pairings: WonKyu, SeoKyu Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All subjects of the story belong to themselves although I want the boys to be mine @.@
Title: A Little Too Not Over You Cast: Choi Siwon, Cho Kyuhyun, Seohyun Rating: PG 13 Disclaimer: All the persons in my story exist but they belong to themselves