Title: Captain Vosloo and her Jedi Pirate Crew
Chapter: One
Rating: So far it's clean.
Disclaimer: The only things I don't own about this story are the actual people it's about and of course characters that are copyrighted by others. Yes darlings, this story has real people in it...see if you're one of them. :)
Welcome Aboard. )
Comments 2
THAT WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! I was so excited to read it, and then as each person came up I grew more and more excited, and then when it go to my part I possitively squee'd. :D:D:D This is an excellent first installment, and I really hope we get more, because now I will be hungry for it.
I have the best Captain EVER!
I love you!
First Mate Choco
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