Title: Dirty Little Secret
Author: Woodsgal
Fandom: Glee
Rating: M
Word Count: 2177
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.
Spoilers: Mainly for S1E16 and a slight spoiler for season 2 though god knows if Carole and Burt will actually marry or not.
Warnings: Step-Brother Incest and masturbation.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are in a relationship deeper then they
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Comments 24
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I'm glad you loved it, means it was worth writing if at least one person enjoyed it =3.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
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I personally cannot stand Puck/Kurt but to each their own ha ha.
Thanks again.
I'm very pleased it's IC and that it flows well, something I worried about but it's all good ha ha.
I'm glad you loved it and thanks for reading/commenting ^^.
And I agree with orchidstorm, its a down right shame that you don't get more comments on well written fics like this. smut ftw.
Ha ha, I don't usually write smut and really, you get used to not getting many comments. I'm glad you enjoyed this though.
Thanks for reading/commenting ^^.
I'm relieved that it seems natural and real, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing while writing it so I was worried about the end result. It was sort of just...random so it's good that it doesn't seem forced.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading/commenting ^^.
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No, it isn't that bad but it's still a little squick, plus honestly if a family dynamic is gonna work, siblings related or not shouldn't really be at it ha ha.
I'm relieved it's I.C and glad you enjoyed it ^^.
Thanks for reading/commenting.
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