Title: Choking Back the Words
Author: Woodsgal
Fandom: Glee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2284
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for the whole of the series to be safe.
Summary: Rachel thinks that Finn and Kurt will end up together in New York.
Authors Notes:
ladydreamer prompted "During Rachel's pity party in "Choke" she says that Kurt and Finn
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Comments 15
Thanks for this, dear.
But thanks for reviewing and thanks for coming up with the prompt to fill in the first place =)
Umm...sorry for coming across as slightly idiotic.
This was cute and sad and lovely :')
There's too much there for it to not happen.
Thank you =)
As his brow furrowed into a frown, the video game seemed to stop and the door was being opened and there stood Finn, blinking down at him, his hands seeming to be in the process of unzipping his fly.
Oh GOD, Finn. I think I've told you before, but I adore fic where he's such an awkward but well-meaning boy who lacks any kind of boundaries.
This is crying out for a sequel, though. *nods*
XD I'm glad you liked that bit, it was really rather random. I just typed it, re-read it, thought it was fucking weird but left it in anyway. (I think that's how most of my attempts at humor turn up in my writing to be honest.) But yay for it being Finn-like.
Ah, a sequel huh. Only if enough people like it.
(I think that's how most of my attempts at humor turn up in my writing to be honest.)
Lady, I posted Finn wankfic last night where Finn refers to masturbation as flogging his log'. You have nothing on how weird I can be.
Only if enough people like it.
And if you want to write it. :)
Yes, I noticed that but have yet to read it. I'll probably read it on my DS later. Easier to read on that small screen then sat in front of a big one.
Generally, I love writing anything Kinn so I'll want to write it as long as other people will read it. Because I like attention.
Thanks and I hope you enjoyed.
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